Sunday, March 06, 2011

Keeping batteries charged, No Power Situation

Off-the-Grid Charging System, for AA, AAA, C, D, 9v Batteries

In a disaster scenario, If it comes to a no power being available from the electrical grid, you will need to depend on alternative energy sources to power your electronic devices.

The ultimate insurance to keep your low voltage gadgets powered while keeping your communications systems ‘up’ and running in situations ranging from a power outage to being at a remote location, is a combination of the proper solar photovoltaic panelsmart battery charger, and the right batteries.
The following suggested combination of equipment will provide ample charging for all of the typical consumer battery sizes (AA, AAA, C, D, and 9volt).
Most every typical consumer communications device will be powered by one of these battery sizes, OR, will have its own charger ‘base’ which itself usually requires about 12 volts or less (usually provided by a wall-outlet plug-in ‘brick’, but could be provided by a proper solar panel).
Portable AM/FM shortwave radios, flashlights, and 2-way portable radios are probably the most common gadgets to be used during disaster. Keeping them running will be crucial to staying ahead of the pack. With the proper adapters and know-how, you may also be able to keep your cell phone and laptop running – although their use may be limited if cell towers are out, etc…

Rechargeable Batteries


The right kind of rechargeable battery makes a big difference. There has been progress regarding the shelf life charge of NiMH batteries. Newer technology has enabled these batteries to retain a charge up to six times longer than the original NiMH battery design. 

If it comes to a SHTF scenario, one that involves no power being available from the electrical grid, you will need to rely on alternative energy sources to power your electronic devices (unless an EMP has fried the devices – but that is another story…).
Two of the most important electronic survival tools in your arsenal should be the flashlight and the portable AM/FM Shortwave radio. The batteries that they use are very important and critical to providing power at the time of crisis and the ongoing period of time during the crisis.
The NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable battery is an excellent choice for a survival situation where electronic devices us standard size batteries such as AA, AAA, C, D, or 9 volt.
There is a huge caveat to this recommendation however… don’t keep NiMH batteries installed in an electronic device, sitting on a shelf waiting for an emergency. Reason being, if you ever needed that electronic device in an emergency, chances are the batteries might be dead as a door nail when you grab it (unless the device is under constant trickle charge).
NiMH batteries will lose about 2% of their charge per day, just sitting on the shelf (or in the electronic device) at room temperature. This means that after one month they will have lost 60% of their energy and will be dead in less than 2 months.  This is why I keep quality Alkaline(e.g. Duracell) batteries installed in the device at all times and I will only use NiMH for ongoing and regular device usage, such as after the emergency is already underway (or for non-emergency devices that are under constant usage in day-to-day life).

Advantages of NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable batteries over NiCD (Nickel Cadmium) rechargeable batteries

  • NiMH batteries have 40% higher energy density (more energy is able to fit into the same size battery and therefore will power a device longer before a recharge is necessary)
  • NiMH batteries are more environmentally friendly with less toxins than NiCD which uses Cadmium
  • NiMH batteries have no apparent “memory”, unlike NiCD batteries which may exhibit a “memory” under certain conditions
  • NiMH batteries are widely available

Cautions when using NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable batteries

  • Keep discharge rate below half of its rating otherwise its cycle life will be reduced (not an issue for normal electronics)
  • Performance will be reduced if stored at high temperatures (store in cool place, like a freezer, and preferably at about a half charge level)
  • Complicated charge algorithm (not an issue so long as you use professional designed smart charger)
  • NiMH requires a regular full discharge to keep in best condition
  • NiMH batteries will lose about 2% of their charge per day, just sitting on the shelf

Rechargeable batteries are rated in “mAh”, which means milliamp hours (how many thousandths of an Amp it will deliver for one hour). The higher the number, the longer it will last before a recharge is necessary. For example, a set of AA NiMH batteries rated at 2650 mAh will run my Sony ICF-SW7600GR portable shortwave radio for about 30 hours (the radio apparently draws about 80 mA – although I haven’t actually measured it). The age of the batteries (how many recharge cycles it has been through) will affect performance as well.
I recommend that you purchase extra batteries so that you always have at least one fresh set of alkaline and rechargeable batteries for each device. I keep lots of AA and AAA batteries on hand since many of my devices run on them, including most of my small portable LED flashlights.
I highly recommend that you research and find a solar battery charger for the NiMH style batteries. What you will probably need to do is to purchase two different items, a smart charger(for NiMH) that comes with a 12-volt car adapter for its power source, and a solar panel assembly that will output 12-volts (and comes with a mating 12-volt car adapter). Connect the two together and you have a working solar NiMH battery charger system. The majority of the cost will be in the solar panel assembly, and will depend on the charging power of the panel you choose. I’m actually considering designing one myself – we’ll see where it goes…
The bottom line here is to stock up on both Alkaline and NiMH batteries, properly sized for the electronic devices that you expect to use during a grid-down situation (store the NiMH in a freezer at half charge).

The overall best price versus performance is the NiMH type battery (Nickel Metal Hydride).
Each size (AA, AAA, etc…) is available in various capacities, that is, how much power the battery will produce before it needs recharging. The higher the rating, the longer they will last (typically rated in mAh (milliamp hours). Example, a 2000 mAh rating will last longer than a 1400 mAh rating, before it needs recharging.
Quality, latest technology, NiMH batteries

Battery Charger

It is very important to use a ‘smart’ charger. Not all battery chargers are in this class, but more and more are. To properly charge a NiMH battery requires a unique charging method and the proper sensing technology to know when to stop charging. Otherwise your batteries will not last long.
This ‘smart’ charger is unique in that in addition to plugging it in to a standard wall outlet, it can also run off of 12 volts DC and comes with a male lighter adapter for 12 volts DC.  This is the key feature that enables you to use a portable solar panel as the power source for the charger itself.

Solar Panel

Solar panels come in all sizes, shapes, and various electrical specifications. This particular solar panel is portable, folds up, and provides the correct output voltage x current requirements (watts) to power the charger listed above. It also comes with a female lighter adapter for 12 volts DC, and mates perfectly with the noted charger unit.

Putting it all together

With the three pieces of the puzzle listed here, the right batteries, the right smart charger, and the right solar panel, you will be assured of ‘free’ and unlimited charging of your battery needs for most or all of your consumer gadget devices, so long as the sun is shining…
It seems to me that this system would be great insurance for a disaster scenario where electrical power is lost for a time. Just a thought…  From Ken.

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