Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Quake Corresponds to Solar Flare Activity

Several well-known scientists chime in to corroborate the connection between the recent solar flare activity and the March 11 Japan 8.9 earthquake via the Sun-Earth connection.

"The massive Japan Earthquake and Tsunami were triggered by massive events on the Sun and there are more to come in the next two years" ~ Piers Corbyn

Mar 9, Flare

By Paul Noel 
with Sterling D. Allan

Pure Energy Systems News

The Earthquake in Japan follows a week of exceptional skip in the Amateur Radio bands. This means that the Ionosphere was exceptionally energized and the reception at exceptional ranges indicated that the Sun had extraordinary influence on this event.

On 3/9/2011 a CME left the Sun with an X1.5 flare.

This is what had to say about it.
"X-FLARE: March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Earth-orbiting satellites detected an X1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166 around 2323 UT. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a bright flash of UV radiation plus some material being hurled away from the blast site:"

Movie formats: 4 MB gif, 1.2 MB iPad, 0.3 MB iPhone

Typically these flares eject CME and they arrive at earth in the order of 1 week later. This CME arrived on earth before the end of March 10 and continued into March 11. (Dates are USA dates not Japan dates.) It cause spectacular Aurora displays in the USA including Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.

Therefore, the earthquake on March 9 in Japan is an event which has a clear probable cause. The sun triggered this event with a dose of electrical energy in the order of several trillion times of the energy of a 20kiloton atom bomb. This earthquake represents an energy release in the order of one billion times that a 20kiloton bomb.

I was watching the flare on the Space Weather site (Run by NASA) on the 9th of March and noticed that things were extremely big and popping. The CME was known to be aimed at the earth. Well, we now know what happened as the CME impacted earth.

These possibilities were discussed on the Thursday Evening Coast to Coast AM radio show.  Mitch Battros, who for years has been stating that there is a tight correlation between solar activity and earth changes, pointed to ten M class flares from sunspots 1166 & 1163 during the last 48 hours as a possible cause for the quake. He also said that a large X class flare is likely within the next 2 weeks. In addition to earthquakes, and tsunamis, we should watch out for volcanoes, and not just in the Ring of Fire area, he added.

Also on the show was author and researcher Stan Deyo, who suggested that fluctuations in the gravitational field could be related to increased quake activity. "If the 8.9 shockwave over in Japan comes across and triggers the Juan de Fuca (tectonic) plate (between Washington and Oregon)-- it has an equally large stress build-up, around a Richter 9," he warned.

Book: English Meteorologists: John Dalton, Edmond Halley, Francis Galton, Lewis Fry Richardson, Piers Corbyn, Lovell Squire, Geoffrey Ingram Taylor

Alex Jones had Piers Corbyn on his show on March 11 to talk about the Japanese tsunami. Corbyn is a meteorologist, astrophysicist, consultant, and owner of the business Weather Action.

Corbyn says "The massive Japan Earthquake and Tsunami were triggered by massive events on the Sun and there are more to come in the next two years"

He Says:

• "The Earthquake was preceded by an X class solar flare and a significant hit of the Earth by a Coronal Mass Ejection - reported by NASA


• "We warned after the New Zealand Earthquake on 21 Feb that the solar-lunar scene is set for more Earthquakes for the next two years:

• "Many of these Earthquake events, as well as weather events, will be very extreme.

• "Actual Earthquakes are very difficult to predict but major aftershocks will come after this one.

• "Just to be clear in case the usual fools and charlatans make claims the weather and earthquake events that have come and are coming are absolutely nothing to do with CO2 or so called man-made climate change in any way whatsoever and such talk diverts attention from where it is needed and holds back the advancement of science".

Here  is what an Amateur Radio guy said about the situation regards the incoming energy. He was only commenting on the skip effects  .
Browsing back to Feb 22, 2011 (Christchurch, NZ earthquake date) NORTHERN LIGHTS: Blowing at 450 km/s, an unexpected solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the late hours of Feb. 21st. The impact did not spark a strong geomagnetic storm, but auroras appeared around the Arctic Circle anyway. Helge Mortensen sends this picture from Ersfjordbotn, just outside Tromsø, Norway:
"I thought it was going to be just another boring night," says Mortensen. "Luckily I was wrong. We had a great show!" Browse the galleryfor more scenes from last night.
Take note that both earthquakes were matched up with CME impacts on earth. This is a situation that should be noted is quite common with earthquakes.

If people have any doubt that the Sun is able to cause earthquakes this should start to put the doubts to rest. Events in space affect us all. This is more proof of the structure of the universe and the unimaginably strong forces that affect our world.
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