Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan 8.9 Quake/Solar Flare

Japan was hit by a magnitude 8.9 quake on Friday afternoon and it happened when a shockwave from an X-Class flare hit the planet during a 24 hour window.

Global Rumblings Blogger: I have always suspected solar flare connections - everything is related, nothing stands alone. An X-Class solar flare occurred two days ago, aim directly for the earth.  A geomagnetic storm started yesterday, and still continues

See Current Solar Data:  

Solar X-rays: 

Geomagnetic Field:



From   We may expect further earth changes now.
Scientists do not understand yet what causes earthquakes, however there have been connections toheightened solar activity being one of the many possible triggers.

Meteorologist Kevin Martin studied geomagnetic field patterns in space weather since the early 2000s. TWS Editor Warren Miller woke him up to get his word on the quake triggers.

“I may just be a weather guy, but solar weather has had my interest for years when I noticed the connection”, Martin said. “Many past quakes have been connected with solar flare events, including other events such asGamma Ray Bursts, or GRBs. I am pretty certain these have connections to triggering earthquakes, however I do not yet understand it. Japan’s activity may not have happened if it was not for the solar flare activity. Others in weather laughed at me for years for what I worked on in quake triggers, however this just may help put that to rest”.

NOAA released a tsunami graphic showing the travel times from the epicenter of the quake.


Mar 11, 2011 ... The Japan Trench subduction zone has hosted 9 events of magnitude 7 or greater since 1973. The largest of these was an M 7.8 earthquake ...

Uploaded by  on Mar 10, 2011
36 hours a flaring from the sun rated at a class of X3 may have been contributed to the tsunami in japan, a class x2 solar sun flare was directly contributed the minor quakes around the ring of fire and Christchurch being directed effect, Arnt we expected of huge solar flaring later in October/ November this year till 2013. Brace ourselves dam.

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  1. The Japanese Earthquake must serve as a wake-up call for mankind. We are behind in our scientific understanding of the Universe, specifically the relationship between our Earth, our active Sun, and our galaxy. Lyndon LaRouche introduces a discussion between LPAC researchers Peter Martinson and Natalie Lovegren on the coincidence between the recent solar flares and the associated tectonic activity, and the implications for our near future. The "Japanese Nuclear Scare" propaganda is a dangerous diversion from such real science.

  2. Why should universities not be effected by systemic corruption when every other political system is> what makes them immune and what happens to science when dumb phucks get to teaching positions because of brown nosing?
