Wednesday, March 02, 2011

FEMA,NOAA, Run Solar Storm Worst Case Scenario, Earth's Next Katrina

Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Field Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents = Extreme Global Changing Weather= Earthquakes= Volcanic Eruptions and Human Disruption aka Solor Max in 2012 

Every few decades, the sun experiences a particularly large storm that can release as much energy as 1 billion hydrogen bombs. Officials from Europe and the US say an event like that could leave millions on Earth without electricity, running water and phone service. A massive solar storm could leave millions of people around the world without electricity, running water, or phone service, government officials say. 

That was their conclusion after participating in a tabletop exercise that looked at what might happen today if the Earth were struck by a solar storm as intense as the huge storms that occurred in 1921 and 1859. 

Solar storms happen when an eruption or explosion on the surface of the sun sends radiation or electrically charged particles toward Earth. Minor storms are common and can light up the Earth’s Northern skies and interfere with radio signals. Every few decades, though, the sun experiences a particularly large storm. These can release as much energy as 1 billion hydrogen bombs.

Some comments from the You Tube site:

  • The weakening magnetic field being hit by heightened solar storms is causing this weather, seismic activity and the deaths of the animals. Research it. Google it! Google "South Atlantic Anomaly" - It's a 3000 mile hole in the magnetic field protecting earth. The earth is responding, trying to repair as this happens with eruptions from volcanoes. We have seen 5 erupt and several awaken in Jan alone. It will only get worse. Do your research!
  • From the graphic illustration of the planet's magnetic layout, it appears that there would be a HOLE at the top and bottom.
    QUESTION, it the pole shift tilts so much that the HOLE is FACING THE SUN, does that mean we will be BOMBARDED with solar radiation on BOTH sides as the Earth rotates in front of the Sun? ...Or does the hole provide some sort of protection itself?
    THAT's the question I want answered by scientists! -- How 'bout you guys?

Geomagnetism: Earth's Magnetic Field, South Atlantic Anomaly, Geomagnetic Storm, South Magnetic Pole, Magnetotellurics, Geomagnetic Reversal

Magnetic smooth zones in the South Atlantic (WHOI) (unknown binding)

South Atlantic Anomaly - Paperback

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) refers to the area where the Earth's inner Van Allen radiation belt comes closest to the Earth's surface. This leads to an increased flux of energetic particles in this region and exposes orbiting satellites to higher than usual levels of radiation. The effect is caused by the non-concentricity of the Earth and its magnetic dipole, and the SAA is the near-Earth region where the Earth's magnetic field is weakest.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

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  1. Just one more reason to DE-FUND NPR and ABOLISH FEMA. Two MORE "public" agencies that do more harm than good. This study was a complete waste of taxpayer dollars to research something we already know enough about.

    Experience shows that disaster follows FEMA, not the other way around as it should be. Enough of their bungling and more than enough "static" from NPR.

