Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lava-like substance triggers panic

Andhra Pradesh, India

Staff Reporter
Black liquid found oozing out from a field in Malkapuram of Anantapur

Plants withered and a foul odour filled the air
Geologist describes it as inorganic compound solution

-Photo: R.V. S. PRASAD

The field where lava like substance oozed out from the earth at Malakapuram village in Anantapur district on Sunday.
Anantapur: A lava like liquid substance erupted at Malkapuram village in Dharmavaram mandal on Saturday.
A shepherd first noticed a strange odour and plants withering. The inquisitive shepherd alerted other villagers who came to find out the source of the bad odour and finally zeroed in to the field belonging to one farmer Lakshminarayana Reddy.
At the field, the villagers found two deep holes from which lava-like black like substance erupted.
Scared at the strange phenomenon, the villagers alerted a geologist for studying the strange phenomenon .
According to an eye witness fire along with the black substance erupted out of the Earth surface at two different points. Geologist Mohana Rao said that a disturbance in the Earth had occurred after the earth quakes in Thailand, Tirupati and Delhi.
Weak zone

The rock formations process below the earth surface had created gaps resulting in creation of a weak zone in the Dolorite rocks.
Explaining the phenomenon, Mohan Rao maintained that an inorganic compound solution had oozed out of Uthosphere . The lava substance is being sent to geological laboratory for a thorough study.


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