Thursday, February 10, 2011

Internet "Kill Switch" is Live, Ready and Waiting

Friend of Freedom, 

The Australian government was the first to test-drive an Internet "kill-switch" on September 2, 2009 when they shut down the Internet for one hour to see if they could. 

Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak used Egypt's "kill-switch" this past week. We know it works. We saw the results live on television. It now appears that every government in the world has the ability to silence the voice of their citizens by simply shutting off access to the Information Super Highway. It is mind-boggling. With a "kill-switch," government can "pull the plug" if it feels that government is being threatened by terrorists, or any national emergency that will disrupt the nation. 
Egypt's Internet Kill Switch - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

For any government to trigger a "kill-switch" to block access to the Internet is government intrusion at its worst. Please read this email before it impacts your First Amendment rights. Barack Obama has delegated the authority to shut down the Internet in a "National Emergency" to the Federal Communications Commission so they could re-delegate that authority back to him. He didn't need to "test-drive" what people are now calling the Internet "Kill Switch." He knows it works. 

Alan Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC 

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