Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yellowstone Magma Pocket Swells-10 inch rise in places!

Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano just took a deep "breath," causing miles of ground to rise dramatically, scientists report.

Nature Wallpaper Midway Geyser Grand Prismatic Yellowstone 
Super Volcano: The Ticking Time Bomb Beneath Yellowstone National Park 

The simmering volcano has produced major eruptions—each a thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens's 1980 eruption—three times in the past 2.1 million years. Yellowstone's caldera, which covers a 25- by 37-mile (40- by 60-kilometer) swath of Wyoming, is an ancient crater formed after the last big blast, some 640,000 years ago.
Since then, about 30 smaller eruptions—including one as recent as 70,000 years ago—have filled the caldera with lava and ash, producing the relatively flat landscape we see today.
Still, since the start of the swelling, ground levels over the volcano have been raised by as much as 10 inches (25 centimeters) in places. "It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high," said the University of Utah's Bob Smith, a longtime expert in Yellowstone's volcanism.

Good National Geograpic video at the main source article. 

Well, I have to say with all of the Volcano activity of recent, I think Old Yellar is gonna blow and she's going to blow BIG TIME. 

This is one place that I want to visit before I die. I hope it is still there when I can get there. 

Anyone been there? Got any pics you can put up. 

I'll be keeping my eyes on this one. Just a matter of time.... Tic Tic Tic.... and I think sooner than later.... around Dec 2012 say... 

"anon72; a member of", thread, Yellowstone has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells-places saw the ground rise 10 inches!; :

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