Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shared Norms for the New Global Reality

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011

The theme this year is Shared Norms for the New Reality, reflecting the fact that we live in a world that is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected but also experiencing an erosion of common values and principles.
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011

Anti-Aging: Turn the Clock Back!

1 comment:

  1. My inner 'alarm bells' are ringing.
    Just whose 'norms' ?

    'Normal' means average. Should we strive for just average standards, average values and principles, the end justifies the means, situational morality, the 'common good', average wellbeing, 'their' standards, both personally and global?

    The fact that this is an agenda of a WORLD ECONOMIC forum tied to your financial wellbeing which meets regularly, is ringing my alarm bells. Do they have good intentions?

    NWO, anyone?
