Thursday, January 13, 2011

Flooding in South America


A preliminary overview by the USGS
Click here to start slide show

(Slide show consists of a series of 42 photographs, maps, satellite images, and a table of rainfall data. Photographs show landslides, flash-flood deposits, damaged roads, houses, apartment buildings, industrial facilities, marina - Venezuela)
Debris flow damage to apartment building in Caraballeda, Vargas state, Venezuela, January 19, 2000.

Debris flow damage to apartment building in Caraballeda, Vargas state, Venezuela, January 19, 2000.

Colombia floods

A group of children leave a rectory in a flooded area of Riosucio. [Photo: Oxfam]

More than 2 million people have been affected by flooding in northern Colombia.

Donate to Oxfam's Colombia floods response

On the ground

More than 2 million people are thought to have been affected by heavy flooding in Colombia which has destroyed close to 3,000 houses and caused damage to agricultural land, infrastructure and highways. 28 of the 32 departments in the country are currently under water, prompting the Government to declare the situation a 'National Calamity.'

Heavy rains are expected to continue in the following days, weeks and months, affecting the Caribbean and Andean regions, some of the poorest in the country.

Oxfam assessments show that in Córdoba, Sucre, Boliviar and Chocó, 70% of the flood-affected population do not have access to safe water, adequate sanitation and washing facilities and have lost personal belongings and household items.

Slideshow: Flooding in Córdoba province

  The temporary pause in the rains over the past few days is a relief but we know the worst is yet to come – especially for the poorest people in remote areas. Access to food and loss of income due to the flooding are more and more worrying. In many cases people will not be able to plant or harvest crops for at least seven months. Nobody can hold out that long without the right amount of help.

Guillermo Toro, Oxfam Disaster and Risk Reduction Manager

North Colombia floods affect thousands - Colombia news | Colombia ...

Dec 16, 2010 ... The Colombian department of Cordoba is on very high alert as the Sinu River burst its banks leaving much of the regional capital Monteria ...

Peru  The Pichis River burst its banks due to the heavy rains fallen in Peru's central jungle region, causing severe damage in Puerto Bermudez district, located in Oxapampa province, region of Pasco. "There are around 3,165 people affected, more than 510 houses flooded and one person missing," said Klever Meléndez, regional president of Pasco. Constitución district has also been flooded said the authority. "It has been raining non-stop since last Monday until Wednesday," assured Meléndez. He also informed that the road between Villa Rica and Puerto Bermudez has been blocked by twelve small landslides, but work is already being done to clear the highway. The National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci) is sending help to rescue, aide and offer shelter to all of those affected by the rains and river floods. "Shelters are being established for the affected people as long as the cleaning and recovery of flooded homes lasts," said Walter Tapia from Indeci. Tapia also said that 21 tons of humanitarian aid including mattresses, tools and other materials have been sent overlanding to the affected area.

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