Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bird Deaths Romania

Alcohol Blamed 

Published: Jan. 14, 2011 at 2:25 

BUCHAREST, Romania, Jan. 14 (UPI) -- Dozens of dead starlings found in a Romanian city were not victims of avian flu, as first feared, but were the victims of alcohol poisoning, officials said.
Residents found the dead birds on the outskirts of Constanta, BBC News reported this week.
Authorities were notified out of concern they might have died from avian flu.
Romania has had outbreaks of avian flu in the past, including a March 2010 incident that resulted in some birds being culled.
However, local veterinary officials said the starlings died after eating grape pulp left over from wine-making.
Analysis of the starlings' gizzards showed they died from alcohol poisoning, the head of the local sanitary and veterinary authority s

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Bird in Anchorage, Alaska

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God forbid they blame it on Earth Changes, Climate Changes, Electromagnetic flux due to Solar Flares, Piezoelectric-/Static Electricity due to Earthquakes, Poisonous clouds due to Earthquakes, from Magnetic Pole Shift, magnetic confusion in the birds' navigational system, or any other similar happenings - yes, Happenings.  Search these terms in Swagbuck and you can see for yourself:

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