Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Lie about Global Warming and the Syndicates behind It

by Jason Moyer 

07 Dec. 2010

I hope everyone got to see "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura" on Global Warming. That episode showed it was a gimmick to sell Carbon Credits, so some corporations could pollute if they invested in the scam.

Al Gore was convinced to be the salesman of global warming and Maurice Strong (Oil Baron) was the brains behind it, as well as Edmund de Rothschild (World Bankster) the financer for the Euro and Climate Gate scam it's self.

Whether global warming is real or not, some people were using the issue to earn billions of dollars, start a one-world government and control people's lives (Control Freak Rulers).

Also, Al Gore could of made billions from this 'conspiracy'. What's real bad (the last I heard) is Obama is still considering Cap &Trade, which is the Carbon Tax scam.

Do you global warmist still believe that all people are changing the climate, or a few mega corporations through lies and disinformation? I tell you, It's the Electric Sun's solar cycles and the Earth's weakening magnetic fields causing the weird weather and climate change and Not CO2 produced by man.

I have a simple solution to the whole problem though...Stop cutting down the Amazon and start planting Hemp, Trees and the Re-Forestation of the Amazon and all that Scary CO2 that you global warmist are afraid of goes away and then you can Quiet blaming Humans for Cosmic solar activities and start blaming Corporate Greed Who Fund the Green Organizations to begin with, to use as a distraction while they continue to pollute and Tax Carbon for Profit!

There are technologies hidden from us by the Oil Corporations and others that wish this technology not to be release, to produce Free Energies. Remember my words...Today it's OIL, Tomorrow It's WATER! These same Oil Barons who monopolize all the oil in the world, have been buying up Aquifers across the world, Why? Because they plan to have a Water shortage soon and to charge the same for it as Oil. Wake-Up and See the True Enemy.

You know I can put on a white coat and tell you the temperatures are rising and the oceans are rising over the next few years too, but it doesn't make it so. These global warming scientist have been compromised by the Big Oil/Banksters and are working for the profits of Mega-Corporations of the U.N. and wish to control and manipulate you thru a climate scare.

The United Nations has been Compromised by these very World Criminal Mafia Syndicates you could call SPECTRE as in the James Bond Movies(Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion). Sound familiar to what's behind the NWO?

Learn more about this author, Jason Moyer 

(IMHO, he has good ideas but needs more work on grammar.)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    fucking right buddy, fuccccking right, tell it how it is, bueno!
