Saturday, December 18, 2010

Her Thighness replaced with Solid Gold Dancers

Obama Replaces Hillary With Solid Gold Dancers

".... the latest on Obama's smart diplomacy..."
WASHINGTON: The US government said Wednesday it will send US dance companies in 2012 to east and south central Asia as well as to the Middle East and Africa to act as American cultural ambassadors.
"Tours are slated to fan out across the globe beginning in January 2012, when members of the selected US dance companies will perform and participate in educational outreach activities," the state department said.
The dancers whom the state department described as "cultural diplomats" will conduct workshops, master classes, and stage and arts management sessions, it added.
I really wish this was something from The Onion, alas, it is real. But, hey, really, compared to other Obama diplomatic initiatives, can this really be any worse? Well, when they start getting arrested in Muslim countries for sexualized conduct and stuff……
Solid Gold Dancers below the fold
Couldn't help myself.

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