Monday, November 29, 2010

Stuxnet Worm an Alien Device ??

Much more going on than meets the Eye.

South Florida Global Rumblings Correspondent Joe S. has these insights:

   Well, if this doesn't find a home somewhere in Global Rumblings, I don't know what will. According to the Fox News article linked below, the "stuxnet worm" which has selectively attacked and caused a shutdown of Iran's nuclear facilities (through an "air gap" security system no less")  has engineering so advanced that it cannot be attributed to our present level of technology! 

Careful reading of the article reveals that a case could easily be made for "other worldly intervention". At the very least, science fiction in this instance, has become science fact. WOW !! The scary just became terrifying !!

        Joe S.

StuxnetIran Computer Attack, Linked To Wealthy Group Or Nation

Sep 26, 2010 ... WASHINGTON A powerful computer code attacking industrial facilities around the world, but mainly in Iran, probably was created by experts ...

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