Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sinkhole Widens - Rail Station in Ural Mountains Closed

Potash increases in Value


Uralkali's Rail Link to Potash Mine Closes as Sinkhole Widens

November 28, 2010, 2:55 PM EST
By Maria Levitov
Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The rail link OAO Uralkali uses to ship potash from its main Russian mine for the soil nutrient was closed at 8:00 pm today, OAO Russian Railways said.
The rail station in Berezniki in the Ural Mountains region had to be closed after a sinkhole that formed in the area widened, a spokesman for Russian Railways said on state television.
--Editor: Ben Livesey
To contact the reporter on this story: Maria Levitov in Moscow at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Willy Morris at wmorris@blo

Uralkali Slides Most in Week on Sinkhole Discovery - BusinessWeek

Uralkali Slides Most in Week on Sinkhole Discovery ... PhosAgro Seeks Canada ...

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