Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kim Jong il Lights the Fuse


Kim Jong il tries to light the fuse to start a new Korean War or World War 3  – Will it Blow?

North Korea bombs Yeonpyeong Island of South Korea

Where is Yeonpyeong Island?

Yeonpyeong Island is just 8 miles from North Korea, an island of 1,000 soldiers and about 2,000 residents.


The Yonhap News Agency reports, "North Korea threatened to continue "merciless" strikes on South Korea on Tuesday after the communist state launched a deadly artillery attack across their western sea border."

BBC Asia-Pacific reports, "South Korea says it has returned fire after North Korea fired dozens of artillery shells at one of its border islands, killing two marines."

Now the question is, will the US, as an ally to South Korea, do anything about it?

After the North Korean sinking of the South Korean border patrol ship, Cheonan, in which 46 sailors were killed during March of this year, the US and South Korea did not retaliate. This non-action has sent the message to Kim Jong il that the US is likely to sit back and do nothing this time, while North Korea again provokes the South in an act of War.

Until 1991, the South had US tactical nuclear weapons stationed there after the 1950-53 Korean War where the US fought on the South Korean side against the invading North.

North Korea is believed to have nuclear weapons, and just days ago announced that it built a new uranium enrichment facility equipped with some 2,000 centrifuges.

While the US owes China a trillion dollars, China seems to be in the drivers seat while the North is allowed to play brinkmanship in this dangerous game.

Stay tuned…


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