Friday, October 22, 2010

The Unholy Mixing of Seed

Date: Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 4:07 PM

News Letter 5846-037
14th day of the 8th month 5846 years after creation
The 8th Month in of the first year of the third Sabbatical Year
The Third Sabbatical Year of the 119th Jubilee Cycle
October 23, 2010

Shabbat Shalom Family,

We have a number of great emails from those who kept the Feast with us in Israel this year and I am so pleased to share them with you. Hopefully you will be in Jerusalem next Sukkot and having your life changed by those things that our Father does when your here.

This week we are going to show some things about Halloween or Purim, I get these two mixed up, but we will show you where they come from this week as well as the lighting of candles for Shabbat and lighting of candles for the dead. I know this will upset some of you, but if I don't tell you then you will never know. So once you read this then you will know and then once you know you can then decide if you are going to obey Yahovah or keep doing what men have taught you. The lies our fathers have taught us.

But then having already written my piece about Purim and Halloween, I then went and did the Torah study which we are doing over 3 ½ years according to the Sabbatical cycle and guess what? It too was teaching about mixed seed. You will want to read Gen 34 this week. I really liked this study myself. How just before Jacob arrive at Bethel is the same as when Israel was about to cross the Jordan and how both of these events are showing us what is happening to us right now just before we return to our homeland with all the 12 tribes of Israel.

And then to boot the 613 Mitzvot we have been looking at also are teaching about the Return to our homelands as we study the laws of the Jubilee; one of my favourite subjects.

Ain't it amazing to see how all these things just happen to work out at the same time and have similar teachings? I love it when this happens.

We also show you some information that the UN announced about how many of the earth's population are now starving due to the rise in food prices around the world and we remind you we are in the third Sabbatical cycle of earthquakes Pestilence and famines.
You need to read the book The Prophecies of Abraham.

Joseph F Dumond

Y'shua haMashiach is Hebrew for Jesus the Messiah, and the Hebrew word Shalom means much more than peace, hello or goodbye. In essence it means: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace,welfare, safety soundness, tranquillity, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. This is the highest form of greeting somebody, and with this we greet you.

Sightedmoon Ministry, 14 Willow Cres., Orangeville , Ontario L9V1A5, Canada    ~   Joseph F. Dumond 

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