Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is Causing all these Earthquakes?

Deep Thoughts:  What is causing all these earthquakes?  -  Blogamole

In our latest installment of Deep ThoughtsBlogamole contributor Michael Lopez reflects on the alarming amount of recent natural disasters. Team Blogamole sends our love to those affected in Ecuador and around the world.
By Michael Lopez
There have been WAY too many earthquakes throughout Latin America in the past few months. Now, with the most recent 7.1 that struck Ecuador last Thursday (August 12), we hope more individuals pay attention to these areas and contribute in any way they can.
But the real question is…what’s causing all of this? According to scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, 2010’s large number of Richter-tippers is “well within the normal range.” It probably doesn't feel very normal to those caught in the disaster!


People often forget (probably because of the French language) that Haiti is considered part of Latin America, and we all remember what an epic disaster they went through back on January 12... A7.0 magnitude quake devastated Port-au-Prince and reportedly killed over 230,000 people.
A little over a month later on February 27, a record-breaking 8.8 ravaged Chile (sending tsunami threats all the way to Hawaii)! It actually measured as the seventh strongest rattler of all time. But thankfully since it was in a less populated region, the death toll was substantially smaller.
Then, on April 4, a 7.2 hit Mexicali (which was felt up in LA) - and now a 7.1 in Ecuador! Amazingly, the Ecuador shaker was recorded as lasting over 10 minutes and felt across most of the nation. The fact that its epicenter was so deep (131 miles below the surface) helped stifle much of the impact.
Since 1900, an average of 16 quakes (magnitude 7 or bigger) have occurred worldwide each year.
Some years have had as little as six, while others (like 1943) had a whopping 32! With this past weekend's earthquake of 7.2 in Guam and Northern Mariana Islands, that stat isn’t very comforting.
Let’s just hope 2010 met its quota. To find out how you can help earthquake victims, visit theAmerican Red Cross.
Did you have any family impacted by the quakes? Sound off in the comments or @MTV3!

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