Monday, August 23, 2010

Can you really grow your own ORGANIC food ANYWHERE in the world?

This reminds me of some things I already do in my own garden ('lasagna' gardening) but you get much more help in Jonathan's method.  

Here is Jonathan White in his garden surrounded by fresh, healthy organic carrots, lettuces, tomatoes, zucchinis, celery, spring onions, swiss chard, baby spinach, parsnip, cucumber, potatoes and pumpkin. 

His method is fool proof and dead on easy! Best of all he did it:

"...without me planting a thing - they just came up by themselves."

I can say, with absolute certainty, that this is the way we will be producing food in the future. It's just commonsense. Why wouldn't the world want to use a method that produces many times more food with a fraction of the effort? 

And that's exactly what this method is - EMBARRASSINGLY SIMPLE.

Click Here to learn to do the same!

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