Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Oh nooo.. Tar balls from the Gulf oil spill are already coming ashore at Key West.

Save our Keys!  Please pass to anyone who can help.  


Ann of Key West (my sister) sends this.  

Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 6:48 PM

Folks, looks like we've got a major mega-disaster on our hands here in the Florida Keys. 

The news ain't good. Tar balls have been washing up at Ft Zach all day & also at Ft Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas, 3-4 days ahead of when they were predicted. We need all hands on deck to help avert a major environmental disaster. 

Please pass this on to everyone in your mail list with a keys connection.

Please sign up if you can volunteer.  There's also a petition somewhere on this website.  Please pass this on to anyone who can lend a hand.


Provided by the Florida Keys Environment Coalition
Now over 1,400 Volunteers strong and growing!

Oil Spill

We Need Volunteers

Attn: Media - Please Contact Dan Robey
at 305-321-2305 for latest spill info, volunteer meetings
and info on this site.

Florida Keys Oil Spill Response

Tar Balls have now been found on the shores of Key West and scientists say that oil from the spill could be here in 4 days via the Gulfstream current loop!

Attn: All commercial Fisherman, Shrimpers, Charter Boat Captains. Please make sure you and every professional you know is signed up at keysspill.com, we are working directly with the United States Coast Guard and will update you on HAZMAT training, contract work,
deployment contacts, etc.

In an effort to be proactive in protecting our Florida Keys environment, KeysSpill.com has been created to help link all partner projects (US Coast Guard,U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service , Nature Conservancy) with volunteers, including Charter Captains,Divemasters, Businesses, Organizations
and Individuals.

KeysSpill.com now has a database of over 1,400 volunteers and is growing everyday!


To protect the fisheries, living coral reefs, marine life, the Florida Keys economy, and the Keys way of life!

This KeysSpill.com site is being updated daily with the latest news on meetings and events, visit this site often to stay informed. Things that you might help with include
pre-assessments, boom deployment, beach clean ups, boat work, organizing efforts, local informational meetings, trainings, etc.

Please email "EVERYONE" you know and tell them to sign up at www.keysspill.com, we need volunteers.

If the Gulf Spill enters the "Gulfstream Current Loop," oil could potentially be in the Keys area in as little as 5 days! We want to be prepared and you can help.

***** IMPORTANT *****

Please print out our Flyer and give to everyone you know, you can make copies of it at Office Depot or any other quick copy location. Click Here to download the Flyer in Word Format


***** Documents *****

Coastal Cleanup Checklist

Preparing For An Oil Spill

Coast Watcher Map

(Note: Professional Wildlife Rehabbers are being sought click the link below for a PDF file with more info.)
Professional Wildlife Rehabbers

***** Meetings *****

If you are hosting a local oil spill related information or action event, send us an email to let us know

email dan@abritt.com

* C.E.R.T.S Meeting
There will be a meeting tonight at 8 pm at Sippin, 400 block of Eaton Street.Key West Topic:

# Oil Slick Update
# HAZWOPR Class Info
# Volunteer Efforts
# Coastal Watch Program

Any questions or concerns please call George Bellenger on his cell # (305)797-7245.

* There is a meeting Wed at 1:00 PM in the Village Of Islamorada at the community center in Founders Park.

* Girls Night Out is having a volunteer meeting this Wednesday, May 19th at the Bottle Cap in Key West at
6:15 PM Contact Mary Lou Hoover 305-849-2457

*May 17th (Mon) – Last day to give comments to the U.S. Minerals Management Service on their Environmental Impact Statement proposal is May 17th. Email is GGEIS@mms.gov For details on proposal and to request comments click here.

* May 19th (Wed) – "Oil Effects and What We Can Do" speaker at EcoWeek Fundraiser, an organic catered event at 12 acre private estate in Islamorada. 5-11pm.

May 20th (Thurs) – Annual Hurricane Preparedness Workshop for the Tourism & Business Industry. Keynote speaker is National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read. Will include update on Transocean/BP Gulf Oil Spill. Marathon Government Center, MM48.5 Bayside, 1pm. $10/person, rsvp to 296-4959 or email executiveoffice@keyslodging.org . Although the conference is geared to tourism-related businesses, it is open to the business community and anyone
can register.

* May 29th (Sat) - Mangrove Clean Up – Sponsored by Reef Relief. Meet at Hurricane Hole Marina, 5130 Overseas Hwy 1, Stock Island. Bring a kayak if you own or can borrow one. 10am - 1pm

*May 31st (Fri) – Deadline for businesses to sign the Letter to President Obama in support of halting oil leasing and drilling.

* June 5th (Sat)- Pre-Oil Shoreline Clean Up at Garden Cove County Park and Dagny Johnson State Botanical Site, 9am-Noon. Meet at end of Loquat Drive, just past the Circle K on Card Sound Road in Key Largo. Sponsored by the Florida Keys Chapter of the Izaak Walton League.

For details on the proposal and request for comments send an email to dan@abritt.com


*** Best Links / Recent News ***

Daily Trajectory Maps

Hair Booms Can Help Suck Up Oil and How To Make
Hair Booms

FDEP Twitter Page (Many Daily Announcements)

US Coast Guards Florida Keys Area Contingency Plane

USFWS Oil Spill Information (Gulf-wide response)

Deepwater Horizon Joint Information Center

Weather Underground Oil Movement Report (scroll down)

Video Discussing Loop Current by USCG Atlantic Strike Team

National Audubon Society FAQ Document

Crude Awakening in the Gulf

NOAA Response & Restoration

Mangroves & Oil Spills: Planning and Response Considerations

Coral Reefs & Oil Spills: Planning and Response Considerations

Toxicity of Oil to Reef-Building Corals: a Spill Response Perspective

BP's Direct Line:

Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866)-448-5816

• Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511

• Submit your vessel as a vessel of opportunity skimming system:
(281) 366-5511

• Submit a claim for damages:
(800) 440-0858

• Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401

You Can Help SAVE The Florida Keys,
Our fisheries and way of life may be threatened...please sign up as a volunteer.

Keys Spill










Keys Spill.Com .


Tel 305-321-2305

For any technical questions or any questions at all send email to:




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