Friday, May 14, 2010

One Trillion Only Buys More Inflation!

Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 10:39 PM

One Trillion Only Buys More Inflation!

Ernie Fitzpatrick

Posted: May 13, 2010 | Comments: 0 | Views: 1 | Bookmark and Share 

Appetite Suppressant:  "Diet Magic"
the Euro and some secret guarantees from the USofA made the BOLD statement last Sunday evening that they were throwing another $1,000,000,000,000.00 of fiat play money at the Grecian problem which is really more than that, more than a PIIGS problem: a global financial mess! On Monday the US stock markets rallied (The Dow up 400 points), the Euro rallied, and all was well with the world. NOT!  
I've mentioned it several times but let me say it once more, "The King has no clothes".
The world has no money: no money of any real punch. Thus the Euro has slipped back BELOW where it was before the ONE TRILLION in play money was offered on the altar of Germany primarily. That news didn't go down well with the German populace either and Ms. Merkel is taking the heat big time. The reality is that since that announcement was made three days ago GOLD is up more than $30 (something like $10 a day increase). Smart people see what's coming and it's one of those 1-2 punches!
First massive INFLATION and then COLLAPSE!
Like Ali, sometimes the punches are so QUICK the shots to the head are near simultaneous. In other words, we could get hit by both at almost the same time. Is there any wonder then that the cool and smart people who aren't beholden to any government (Schultz, Russell, Crawford, Celente, Ure, etc.) say that 2010 is going down the road of DISASTER? So what did the ONE TRILLION buy us other than INFLATION? Maybe it bought us a few more weeks of postponing the inevitable, but to a man on death row, a few more weeks sounds really good

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Secret War On The Dollar
Read the Shocking Bulletin That Washington Does Not Want You To See

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