Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Halley's Comet created this meteor shower?

So they say.

"Expected to peak early Thursday morning".


Duluth News Tribune
Yesterday morning (Monday) just after 4 am another bright-as-the-full-moon meteor blazed across thesky in the eastern part of the state. ...


Is this the same one?

US: Early risers spot green fireball over Central Maryland ...
When I reached the intersection at Conowingo Road, I noticed an amazing bright streak of green light falling diagonally through the sky. I lost sight of it as it appeared to go behind the buildings at the intersection. ...
Signs of the Times - http://www.sott.net/


Bright lights reported across Rock County sky
Janesville Gazette
Elland called the National Weather Service in Sullivan to see if any meteorologists there were aware of anything special going on, including a meteor shower ...

One caller said the light was bright blue in the sky north of Janesville.

The other caller said the light was bright green and in the sky around the Edgerton area, Elland said.

Elland called the National Weather Service in Sullivan to see if any meteorologists there were aware of anything special going on, including a meteor shower such as the one that happened April 15 and was seen from Kansas City to Milwaukee.

Godlike Productions - News: Meteor Shower Created by Halley's ...
The meteor shower is predicted to peak early on Thursday morning, May 6. Under ideal conditions (a dark, moonless sky) about 40 of these very swift meteors ...
Weather service gets reports of possible meteor sightings in ...
The National Weather Service says it received a number of reports of possible meteor sightings early today.

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