Monday, April 26, 2010

Red Elk's advice for these Times.

 On Mon, 4/26/10, Dee and Roy Rohe  wrote:

I delayed sending this out - didn't want to frighten anyone too much.  I received it on April 22.
Already since  fatal tornados in southern states of the U.S.  We had a tornado watch here 
in South Florida and the Keys.  Seems to have passed through now.

His best advice is to check with "Dad" our Creator and let Him tell us what to do for our safety!
( Seems Red Elk  has the same problem as Roy does with spelling, but like Roy, also of a Native American 
bloodline, he has a sharp intuitive sense. )  

We have already made steps to hunker down anyway with our plans to install a Key West style metal roof, 
(should be finished within 6 weeks) ; we already have the best accordion metal hurricane shutters.   
Also a hand pump water well, and a 'survivor' food pantry, partially full.  And of course, a generator.
What have we missed? 

We don't have any land we could go  to build elsewhere.  So far,
my guidance has been to stay here, that we will survive, and will be able to help others.   

[sent by Red Elk, Washington State]
Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:56 am

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Many have asked me "Where should we go".....I tell all, "To The Creator.  Let 'HIM' tell you".
I say the same here...BUT will tell THIS ;  What to LOOK FOR.
"BASTERD" LAND!  Shallow REVINS...far-back HILL SIDES.  Had to get-to areas that are passed-over by todays farmers / land owners.  PLACES NO ONE "WANTS" as its to "difficult".
See if you can Buy...OR Lease.   Get EGRESS to its building site.
Yes, these places will have less light...AND LESS WINDS!
WINDS = WILDFIRES....Wild fires burn OVER these spots...or very slowly down into them. (Rather easy to fight).
Ur abode, if at ALL POSSABEL, should be Earth Coverd....DEEPLY.
If on "flat Open land" LEAST 13 FEET over...15 will be REALY safe. 
Why?  THE WINDS WILL STRIP THE LAND.  Dust and pebbels will FLY!!
Build LOW and in the shape of a COCKROACH!  "Ground Hugger" "bodys".
My Hobbit Hut built to this.  Part underground...and to be coverd by earth, in time.  Eventualy makeing a gentel SLOPE to its top.  WIND RESISTENT.  a MOUND, not a BUMP.  Aho?
Water should be INSIDE the abode.  So drill ur well 1st...and build AROUND THIS.
You do NOT want a Creek / Etc. very close to ur CAN "build up", n FLOOD.
On the well, build WITHOUT ELECT. USE (pump) IN MIND.  Or, pump AND Hand Pump.
For solor light, build a "perascope" opening...well protected with stone walling.  Use interior MIRRIOWS to distribute the light to around the inside of ur abode.
To naccesatate you liveing...the abode will be best if rather Large inside.  Not the size of a standred house of today...but COMMUNUEL LIVEING large.  As OPEN "place to place" as you can.  A "one rm." structure...the tolit area the only fully closed.
U'd be wise to build your' "outside" walls on a TILT.  Sloped outward , upwards.
U'd allso be wise to have a VERY STRONG ROOF SAPORT...more then ONE, best.
I have shared here Enough to get you going, and thinking. 
KNOW THIS tho ;  U can build the BEST Possabel, BUT to build ANYWHERE...Ck. with "Dad" to see if that's WHERE U R TO BUILD.  Aho?

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