Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Earthquakes? Israel? Judgement? God is still in control.

Active Christian Media  -  Stacy L. Harp


On Monday's Active Christian Media show I discussed Easter, and the earthquakes that took place in Baja California and Mexico on Easter Sunday afternoon. I then raise the question, Is God judging America with earthquakes? Some people think so, and some people have scriptural passages to back it up.

One of the people I cite in the show is my friend John McTernan who is most known for his book  What America Has Done to Israel,  which documents natural disasters with how our government has slighted Israel.  It's a sobering book. It's also a sobering reality that despite how man believes we rule the world, God is still in control.  Curious?… listen to the show.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW AND REMEMBER TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE PODCAST:http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/active_christian_media/archives.asp?bcd=2010-4-5


Active Christian Media  -  Stacy L. Harp


John McTernan's Blog


APRIL 8 - Retired FBI Agent Bob Hamer to discuss his new novel Enemies Among Us

APRIL 9 - Steve Spillman to talk about Israel and Oil.

APRIL 13 - Dr. Mary Tobin, Certified Acupuncturist and Licensed Nutritionist will discuss Genetically Modified Food and Healthcare 

APRIL 14 - Bruce Marchiano who played Jesus in the Matthew Film Project 15 years ago. He will discuss his new projects.

APRIL 15 - Marsha West, founder of Email Brigade will discuss religious trends

APRIL 20 - John McTernan will update us on Israel and God's work in the world

APRIL 22 - Author Karen Common who lost her family to sudden death, she will
 share her story with us.

APRIL 27 - Did you know someone has made t-shirts that help children with Domestic violence? We'll discuss that on this show with Tamu.

APRIL 28 - Author, Kathi Macias will join us again to discuss her new novels.

MAY 5- Brannon Howse joins us to update us on worldview matters

MAY 6 - Popular novelist Liz Curtis Higgs will join us to discuss her newest novel Here Burns My Candle


Grant Jeffrey

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