Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obama has a suspicious number of fans across the U.S. named Ellie Light

LOL!  (  At the comments after the article! )  One from Ellie Dark, and another from DermDoctor come to mind.

Just a couple dark thoughts..
 D'ya suppose that "Ellie Light" is really L. E. Light,  (Lucifer Evil Light)?  That would  explain his/her being in many different places at once.  And do you 'spose that the 's' which was the only thing in the first email answer from him/her stands for 'satan'?  The dark one has an ego, you know, and wouldn't resist signing his work with a little footprint of a clue.   Ellie never did answer Eaton's repeated question of how he/she could have so many addresses in the letters to the editors across the country but - instead,  gave a long elegant high-sounding confusing rambling obfuscating answer (similar to some of Obama's speeches) with plenty of adoring excusing comments for her/his boy.

Read the article and the comments following and tell me what you think:

Dee xxoo

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