Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ft. Hood atrocity walks like a Duck, talks like a Duck...

G Martin Leibowitz

G Martin Leibowitz
What will it take for an atrocity like Ft. Hood to be called "terrorism"? I am concerned about the deception that is out there right now. Clearly people and events need to be called what they are! If you fail to do this your conscience may already be compromised ... the scriptures call it "seared". An interesting read:... http://www.gospeltruth.net/1841OE/410428_seared_consci_pt1.htm
Yet even now there is a hope ... Jesus, Yeshua, Esa who is the same yesterday, today and forever. He alone has made a way through the new covenant of His blood. His birth, death and resurrection mark a new start for anyone who will believe on Him. He restores and and makes all things new.
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Source: news.yahoo.com
WASHINGTON — The government intercepted at least 18 e-mails between the alleged Fort Hood gunman and a radical Muslim cleric, and a key senator says there could be more communications that might have tipped off law enforcement or military officials.

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