Monday, September 14, 2009

Autism in Monkeys who Received the MMR vaccine

"It's The Vaccines Stupid!"

Clinton and Bush

Once again, the WHO and US Government's Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are fabricating another unnecessary, dangerous vaccine that will do us more harm than good. The vaccine now is geared to protect us from the big bad swine flu, but just like any other vaccine, the list of adverse health effects far outweighs "preventing" so-called "deadly" flu symptoms.

From the time we enter the world as living human beings, we are bombarded with an onslaught of vaccines that have now been suspected to have direct links to diseases and medical conditions such as autism. A study conducted by University of Pittsburgh researcher, Dr. Laura Hewitson showed common symptoms of regressive autism in macaques monkeys who received the MMR vaccine.

The alarming truth is the lack of "official" testing done on the true safety of vaccines, as well as determining whether or not there is a direct link to autism, has yet to be conducted. The government has played ball with Big Pharma (aka vaccine manufacturers and profiteers) by giving all vaccination records to the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), who has them under lock and key with the watchful sneering eye of the Health and Human Services Department. Because of this, it becomes very difficult to use any of these vaccination records as evidence in related court cases or for independent scientific studies.

With the heavy handed use of toxic additives, such as aluminum and thimerosal (mercury), and the rapid multiple shot rate in which they are distributed (17 times within the first 18 months of life), it is no wonder that we are in this position. The unfortunate fact still remains: too few people even know this is an issue.

Before people line up in the streets demanding their vaccinations for their children and themselves, it would be wise to remember, to paraphrase a 1992 campaign statement of Bill Clinton to George H.W. Bush: "It's the vaccination, Stupid!"

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Food Is Power and the Powerful Are Poisoning Us

It has been said before that if you control the food supply, you then control the population. Approximately one-sixth (1 billion people) of the world population is in hunger, due to a withering economy as well as a dwindling food supply. Unfortunately, the majority of the rest of the population that manages to get three square meals per day does not always get to fully decide what they eat. It is becoming more and more saturated with unhealthy sugars and fats.

Small farms are slowly being wiped off of the map, while giant pesticide happy conglomerates are taking over and giving us an unhealthy, and, more often than not, dangerous product. We tend to put all of our eggs into one basket when it comes to our food supply from within the US; in fact, most of the US food supply comes from the Central Valley of California. What happens if there is a drought? Many Americans starve (just like conditions across the globe), and it is all in an effort to cut costs for Big Agri and the food conglomerates.

The fact is, our entire food production methods must drastically change, otherwise we are in for a world of hunger, quite literally.

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