Sunday, August 30, 2009

Prayer request for the situation in Honduras

Mary Ellen Johnson is an acquaintance of ours. 

Sat, 8/29/09, Mary Ellen Johnson <mewjohnson07@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: Mary Ellen Johnson <>
Subject: Situation in Honduras
To: "Joe - Ruth Baxter" <>
Cc: "Mary Johnson" <>
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 2:27 PM

Today's e-mail from a former colleague and now mission leader in Honduras:
"... please pray for Honduras.  This little country is now a bright spot -- an example of true democracy and of following its constitution.  However, Obama is siding with Chavez, Ortega, and Castro.  The U.S. has cut off all aid to Honduras and will no longer give non-emergency visas to Hondurans.  We're horribly apenados (chagrined).  The U.S. calls what happened here a "military coup," and it definitely was not.  About 85-90% of the country is in favor of the decision the Supreme Court and the Congress (of Honduras) made to oust President Zelaya for all his illegalities, yet the international community will not recognize the new government and says that Zelaya should be back in power.  It's really sad.  We are so very proud of Honduras for standing firm through all of this."
Note from Paul & M.E.:
We are told that about 50% of the Honduran population are believers.  Just after the ouster of Zelaya, and fearful of the U.S. support of his corrupt regime, large numbers of people (perhaps 100,000) met in the National Stadium in Tegucigalpa, in fasting and prayer, asking the Lord to keep them from communist takeover.  Let's contact our govt. officials to promote democracy in Honduras!

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