Friday, March 20, 2009

White House Kitchen Garden and the HR 875 & 425 Bills

From Pam Wiseman:

I'm reposting this again as just learned from the White House Blog,
the White House intends and is breaking ground for a White House Kitchen Garden.
THe Obama's are becoming home gardeners.
see details and link below, I inserted in this article and my comments
If left to the soft kill eugenicists in control of the government, healthy
organic food
produced by independent farmers will soon be a thing of the past. On February
23, the Federal Times reported on HR 875, a bill that would grant the FDA
new powers to regulate food.
It was introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (who is married to Mr Greenburg, who
works for Monsanto)and arrived shrouded in hype, specifically
the hysteria surrounding a recent salmonella outbreak linked to products from
Corp. of America. Add to the hype last year's outbreak of salmonella in imported
and a 2006 E. coli outbreak that was linked to fresh spinach and the stage is
set to
implement the FDA's food protection plan requiring farmers and food producers to
with the government every two years.
If there's any good that can come from this tragic outbreak, it is long-overdue
changes that
can help protect the American public from the food supply, Rep. Bart Stupak,
D-Mich., said
in early February at a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on
sight and investigations. In short, the government will tighten its grip on the
food supply and
will ultimately strangle small, independent farmers.
Stephen Sundlof, director of FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition,
told the
Federal Times the FDA needs full access to the records of individual food
DeLauro's bill also represents a power grab on the part of the department of
Health and
Human Services (the FDA is an agency under HHS). DeLauro's bill would also mean
big reorganization at the Health and Human Services Department: It removes food
functions from FDA and places them in a new agency within HHS, an admitted
'After what we witnessed with creating the Homeland Security Department, we
realized that it's very complex, setting up a new agency,' said Lisa Shames,
director of food
safety and agricultural issues at the Government Accountability Office. '
The new administration is pushing new farm controls through Congress as fast as
and have coordinated the bills so there will be no debate and the committee
meetings are closed,'
explains Linn Cohen-Cole for the Natural Solutions Foundation. 'Our concern
focuses on pending
legislation to establish a "Food Safety Administration within the Department of
Health and Human
This bill is H.R. 875 and the Senate is considering a similar bill, S. 425 If
Congress insists upon
passing these bills, it is very important that Congress write into these bills
specific language
protecting organic and small family farms and ranches.

(INCLUDING the White HOUSE KITCHEN GARDEN now underway to be used for the
homeless-- what? Prez Obama does not want fresh homegrown veggies for his and
family's use?) It will be interesting to see how this progresses, given the fact
that ALL home gardens, if these bills are passed, will be designated, food
facilities and be under heavy regulations influenced
by the Monsanto people, eh? I noted Mrs First Lady says this garden will
produce healthy good vegetables and wonder what she considers "healthy" and by
whose standards? Monsanto or certified organic standards, I guess we will see.

"Friday, March 20th, 2009 at 3:51 pm
Spring Gardening
"This is a big day. We've been talking it since the day we moved in," said the
First Lady as she and two dozen local students broke ground on the White House
Kitchen Garden on the South Lawn of the White House. Those students will be
involved in the garden as it develops and grows, producing delicious, healthy
vegetables to be cooked in the White House Kitchen and given to Miriam's
Kitchen, which serves the homeless in Washington, DC."

These enterprises and all natural products,
including organic and natural food products and Dietary Supplements, must be
exempted from the
controls of these bills. Obama recently nominated Kansas governor Katherine
Sebelius to head
up HHS.

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Inside and Outside of TIme
Following the Signposts which
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

    Kitchen Garden
