Friday, March 06, 2009

GARCIA: Bible codes and Prime Minister Netanyahu

GARCIA: Bible codes and Prime Minister Netanyahu

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009 11:52 AM CST

When Michael Drosnin released his instant best-seller "The Bible Codes" in 1998, students of eschatology were fascinated. His was the first book to explain to laymen the existence of codes in the text of the Hebrew Bible.

In fact, work on the codes goes back to at least the 1st century AD. In those days Jewish sages gleaned the length of a lunar month from primitive Bible codes. Their accuracy was confirmed by a U.S. satellite in the 1990s.

Laying the Hebrew letters in a grid, and using a computer, mathematicians today can read historical events in the codes. The computer is programmed to skip (for example) 3 letters or 10 letters or 100 letters, looking for data.

When fewer letters are skipped, the information is deemed more impressive. Because the mathematical probability of finding a legible message using every third letter is lower, the information cannot be there by chance.

To illustrate the point, write a paragraph of your own, or borrow one from any book. Then circle every third letter, trying to create coherent information. I'll wager you will spend many hours trying to put together phrases on the same topic that make sense.

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Bible codes reveal many details about World War I and World War II, the assassination of President John Kennedy and a myriad of other topics. But can the Bible codes tell the future? The answer appears to be: Sometimes.

The Israeli government approached Bible code expert Eliyahu Rips before the 1991 Gulf War. They wanted to know when the first Scud missile would hit.

Dr. Rips searched the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) using a skip sequence program on his computer. He gave government leaders the correct date-Jan. 18, 1991-three weeks before the fact.

By the time you read this-in all probability-Benjamin Netanyahu will have been elected prime minister of Israel. The Bible codes have much to say about Mr. Netanyahu.

In his book, Drosnin tried to apply this information to Netanyahu's first term as Prime Minister in 1996. The facts didn't seem to mesh. Drosnin did not entertain the possibility that the codes might be referencing a future term for Mr. Netanyahu.

Specifically, the Bible codes say this about the Prime Minister-"for the great horror, Netanyahu." This haunting passage is in the Bible codes three different times.

If you would ask any student of eschatology, Christian or Jewish, what the "great horror" would reference, you would probably get the same answer from all. Called by the prophet Jeremiah "the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah 30:7), it references the final 3 1/2 years of the tribulation.

Jesus Himself coined the term "Great Tribulation" (Matthew 24:21) for this terrible era. Some Bible scholars call it by the ominous name, "the final holocaust."

Rarely, a message in the Bible code will be gleaned with no skip sequence at all. In others words, just by reading the plain text backwards, or top to bottom, there will be a message.

Amazingly, one of the times the term "for the great horror-Netanyahu" is encoded, it is found without a skip sequence. It can be read backwards in the Hebrew in Deuteronomy 1:21. Moses is speaking, cajoling the reluctant Jews in the desert. "Look, the Lord your God has set the land before you; go up and possess it, as the Lord God of your fathers has spoken to you; do not fear or be discouraged."

Mr. Netanyahu has pledged not to give up "one square inch" of Jerusalem or the Golan Heights. He has vowed to topple Hamas and prevent Iran from going nuclear. That's pretty heroic stuff in Israel's modern secular society.

As we pray for peace in Jerusalem, remember the great horror only lasts 3 1/2 years. Heroes live on forever.

Anne T. Garcia's television show, "Understanding the End of the Age" can be accessed on channel 13 every Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. For more information, or to contact her, go to All scripture quotes are from the New King James Version.

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