Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tungurahua Volcano shower Towns with Ash - residents using masks..

 Ecuador: The Eruption of Tungurahua
Global Voices Online - Cambridge,MA,USA
by Milton Ramirez The Tungurahua Volcano in Ecuador has experienced a jump in activity in recent weeks. Since 1999, this activity has affected residents of ...
 Ecuador volcano showers towns with ash
People's Daily Online - Beijing,China
Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano spewed ash again Tuesday, showering nearby towns and forcing residents to use masks, said the National Polytechnic's Geophysics ...

Volcanic Ecuador travel alert

Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 17:10
Travellers to Ecuador are being warned about the increase in volcanic activity in the province of Tungurahua.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) warns of increased activity of the volcano Tungurahua, which gives the region its name, and holidaymakers are told to avoid overnight stays at the nearby resort of Baños.

The FCO update reads: "Since December 2007 there has been increased volcanic activity in Tungurahua, near the resort of Baños.

"There is a high risk of a volcanic eruption and the Ecuadorian authorities have forbidden all access to the volcano.

"You should exercise extreme caution if you intend to travel to the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo."

Travellers are urged to monitor local media and the National Ecuadorian Geophysics Institute.

Around 22,00 British nationals visit Ecuador each year and the FCO states "most visits are trouble-free".

"The main type of incident for which British nationals require consular assistance in Ecuador in 2006, as were victims of crime, commonly theft of passports or bankcards and 'express kidnappings' are on the increase," the FCO stated.

Britons in Ecuador are also advised not to travel to the province of Sucumbios, which borders Colombia, where armed groups are active and there is a risk of kidnapping. End of story

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