Thursday, September 06, 2007

Is "The Shift" happening?

Research about 2012 and "The Shift" indicates that the fields of science and spirituality are merging. Some of the greatest spiritual advances seem to be coming from people who once were "hard-core" scientists. Many of them are validating the prophesies in spiritual traditions of indigenous people and simultaneously invalidating outdated scientific paradigms such as Darwin's theory of evolution. Even quantum theory is now being replaced with plasma theory, which says that the world is electrical. Prophesy is slowly becoming fact and science is supporting it.
The real questions are "What are the implications for Earth and for humanity? Let's look at Earth first, Earth-particularly her electromagnetic structure. The astrological conjunction of 2012 is also expected to involve a shift in Earth's Magnetic poles.

  The two colors in this image represent the energy of the north and south poles.
For some time, scientists have been closely monitoring two parts of Earth's electromagnetic structure—the electrical field (which is falling) and the magnetic field or Schumann resonance (which is rising). It is interesting that the largest increase ever recorded in the Schumann frequency occurred in 1987, and coincided with the eruption of Supernova 1987a and the Harmonic Convergence when millions of people gathered at sacred sites around the world to pray and meditate together. If you remember, this is the time when Russell Boulding believes that the Shift might have really begun.
The Schumann resonance, also known as Earth's heartbeat, has increased from its normal 7.8 Hz. and is hovering around the 9 – 11 Hz. level. It is expected to move to 13 Hz, the frequency of unconditional love. Gregg Braden, a geologist who has been studying this, calls this place where the Schumann or magnetic frequency and the electric frequency intersect ZERO POINT.
It appears that this magnetic reversal is connected to galactic and solar cycles. Some, like Braden, believe that the electromagnetic poles of Earth will shift as Zero Point approaches. Geological surveys of the mid-Atlantic ridge indicate that this has happened something like 171 times before in the history of Earth. Here is another image of Earth's electromagnetic field. You can see how orange spots are now appearing in the blue at the top and that blue spots are visible in the orange at the bottom.

Many scientists who are tracking these changes believe that the pole shift is now happening.
This image shows what it might look like if we were able to be off the planet and viewing it. In March of this year, for example, computer scientists working with geophysicists and astrophysicists in India released a computer model predicting a geomagnetic reversal in 2012.
As Earth goes through these changes we all want to know: "How will this affect me? Let's address this question by looking at this image. It shows how you, Earth and the Sun are connected and operate as a relay system. This image illustrates two things. First, is the relationship between you, Earth and our Sun. The second is how they interact and operate as a relay system. The circle at the bottom represents you.

It shows how your brain has right & left or dark & light hemispheres.

You can see That there is also a circular pattern of resonance and energetic interaction between you and Earth. The circle at the top represents the Sun. You can see that it also has right and left or dark and light hemispheres. And that there is a circular pattern of resonance and energetic interaction between Earth and the Sun. Understanding that you are connected to the cosmos is really important. Why? Because YOU emit energy that affects Earth's vibration. Earth relays this energy to the sun, the sun relays it to Galactic Center, where it goes out to celestial bodies.
CONVERSELY, celestial bodies transmit to Galactic Center, which transmits to the Sun, the Sun transmits it to Earth and Earth transmits to YOU. So, everything in the cosmos is connected.

We can add other levels of complexity to this image that show similar resonant relationships between our Sun, Galactic Center and celestial bodies such as supernovas.

Once we understand that we are connected to everything in the universe, we can become conscious, active participants in it. Many are experiencing symptoms of The Shift that indicate their body is being transformed, such as headaches, fatigue, electrical sensations in limbs & spine, flu-like symptoms, increased sensitivity & intuition, and intense dreams

Our DNA is being reprogrammed to trigger our metamorphosis and activate our light body. Time is speeding up because of Earth's changing electromagnetic forces. Some believe that our 24 hour day has been condensed into a 16 hour day.
It has become very clear about Earth's place in our solar system and how we are a part of Her. When she is affected by increases in energy coming from Galactic Center, so are we. She is a living being undergoing her own process of growth and transformation. Our development mirrors hers. We and Earth are raising our vibrational frequencies, which is slowly birthing humanity into a new dimension or reality.

We The Arcturians
Norma Milanovich, Ph.D
"This transitional period through which the Earth is now passing is unlike any that has ever been experienced in the records of beloved Terra. It will be another 26,000 years before the planet again, has the opportunity to assume the strength and position that it will soon experience in the New Age."
"Humankind is just beginning to feel a shift of consciousness resulting in a happier condition... Individuals of higher states of consciousness are beginning to separate themselves from those individuals of lower, more angry states. The vibrational frequencies of the two sets of individuals are beginning to clash... this clash will become more obvious." 
"Planet Earth is beginning to prepare for the cleansing of negative energy that surrounds her. You have already seen the signs with the violent weather changes, volcanoes that have erupted and will continue to erupt, earthquakes, and the changing ozone layer... The energy of humankind has polluted beloved Terra long enough. The cleansing will be complete."
"You see, each planet and star system goes through similar periods of trials and errors as the Earth is doing right now. We are here to help one of the most difficult birthing processes that has ever been the challenge to any of the Beings in the universe."
"The people of Earth are on a path that is irreversible. On this journey, they must realize that Light and love are the only two qualities that can be adhered to for advancement into the New Age."
"But souls must choose which one they will master. There are only two choices: there is love and Light, or there is fear. Choose, our dearest brothers and sisters of the universe. And make this choice before the portal of time into this new dimensional frequency closes and makes the choice for you."
"There is no punishment for those who choose not to enter this Kingdom (Golden Age), and it is clear that many souls on Earth today are not ready to make this journey with their magnificent master (Christ). The only 'punishment' is time, as you have defined it on Earth. Those who do not wish to take part in Jesus' hospitality, are those who must wait for the next appropriate time when the portal will again be opened. This portal in time will occur again approximately 26,000 years from the present moment." 
Songs of the Arcturians
Songs of Melantor
Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light
Patricia Pereira 
"Your planet is calibrating its celestial resonating periods. That is to say, its vibrational third-dimensional density state is being transplanted by fourth- and fifth-density restructuring in accordance with harmonics that are sung by the universe."
"Earth is in the midst of a quantum event. The radical quickening, or speeding up, of time is but one aspect of the ethereal adjustments being made in preparation for a massive spatial transfer of the planet and its inhabitants."
"Firm notice is hereby given to those who have no sense of moral or ethical integrity in accordance with Universal Law, those who dissipate their energies in destructive acts, will not find themselves inhabiting this world in the future."
"Nevertheless, the illusionary substance of the third-dimensional plane, in which you barely function, will continue to dissolve as your planet submits to the processes of cosmic rebirth. The massive continental plates rumble and quake. Unleashed, natures energies - water, fire, and wind - escalate in intensity as Earth Mother cleanses herself in preparation for the transformation of her cellular mass into higher octave dimensions."
"We have come to Earth to harvest our crops - the precious starseeds. The day nears for us to bundle them up and transport them Home."
"Mother Earth has begun a process to remove the scabs of industrial pollution that cover her careworn face. She is readying herself to slough off the disease and decay that torment her delicate skin... Those who survive the upcoming deluge are destined to take a grandstand seat at her greatest performance."
"Although a series of catastrophic-appearing occurrences are scheduled prior to the cessation  of this phase of human history, humanity's greatest fear - that of total annihilation - is not a planned event."
"Many will not ascend when the starships come to Earth. Vast numbers of humans have very young Souls and are not yet evolved to the point when they can grasp concepts of Universal Law or think of Planet Earth as a living being... Many young souls by necessity will travel in the ways of darkness, for the pathway though the lower realms is one that must be taken by developing Souls."
"End time events are carefully orchestrated and are unfolding according to Divine Plan. In spite of dire predictions of a dying civilization, a new-dawn world will be erected on the labors of brave humans like you who have challenged yourself to awaken. Like a phoenix you are rising from the ashes of an outdated time to germinate the structures of an entirely new whole-Earth society. The inhabitants of this newly structured world, aware of their familial connection to the inhabitants of the galactic core, will live in peace, harmony and unconditional love."

Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations

To:  Citizens of the World
"A New World If You Can Take It"

We, the individuals and institutions participating in and/or supporting the Extraterrestrial Civilizations & World Peace Conference in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, June 9-11, 2006,

Are a body of concerned private citizens who are promoting world peace and harmonious relations with extraterrestrial civilizations,

Recognizing the overwhelming evidence pointing to the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations, and their generally peaceful interaction with individuals and governmental authorities,

Inspired by the profound significance for humanity of sharing the wisdom, knowledge, culture and technology provided by extraterrestrial civilizations,

Asserting that extraterrestrial civilizations have been observing human evolution for some time with particular interest in humanity's quest for lasting peace among its peoples,

Noting that extraterrestrial civilizations have indicated that the abolishment of nuclear weapons worldwide is a necessary milestone toward peaceful coexistence on earth and as a prerequisite for open contact,

Recalling United Nations resolutions concerning international co-operation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, banning atmospheric and underwater nuclear tests, and proscribing hostile acts on the moon and other celestial bodies,

Recognizing a range of initiatives promoted by private citizens and citizen organizations with regard to extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth,

Intending for this Declaration to be used as a starting point for a greater public dialogue with those holding similar or diverging perspectives and interests concerning extraterrestrial visitation,

Using a consensual decision making process among speakers, organizers, and participants at the Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference, 2006, we have agreed to,

Honor the following principles for establishing peaceful relations with extraterrestrial civilizations:

1. We affirm the intent of humanity to join in peaceful and cooperative relations with extraterrestrial civilizations,

2. Affirm support for United Nations resolutions promoting the peaceful use of Outer Space, and support for UN, International and U.S. Congressional initiatives to prevent an arms race in outer space, including the weaponization of space,

3. Affirm the natural right of all citizens to have open contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations in all cases, and to engage in non-official diplomacy,

4. Declare the need for Civil Society to develop acceptable protocols (standards of behavior) with extraterrestrial civilizations, that the protocols should be representative of the aspirations of all humanity, and that all nations should work in concert to establish peaceful relations,

5. Cooperate with extraterrestrial civilizations in promoting Earth, Cosmic and Life friendly technologies, and encouraging the right use and open availability of these technologies,

6. Affirm our desire to coordinate the earth's ecological health and biological diversity with extraterrestrial civilizations that can aid us in that endeavour,

7. And express our desire to welcome the open appearance of benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations.

~ Q. Dean Sloan

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