Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Re: Montserrat Volcano threatened the region with Tsunamis last year...

From: Jacky
Subject: Re: Montserrat Volcano threatened the region with Tsunamis last year...
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 19:07:50 -0400
To: Dee Rohe <>

Our eyes are on de Lawd! Be well...lovlovlov
On Mar 13, 2007, at 12:47 AM, Dee Rohe wrote:

Amen!   Trust in G-d! 
Strange things are a happenin' on our dear ol' earth these days.  Everywhere I go people talk about the recent changes in the climate and I am keeping track of earthquakes around the world.   There have been a lot more stronger ones very recently. 
Stay safe and watch the Signs.. 

 Jacky wrote:
Only the Lord knows, Kid! We sailed to Montserrat and anchored in Plymouth just before it erupted. Ghost town. Barking dogs. Sulfur. Ed locked us in, the first time ever, and by dawn we sailed away as fast as possible. On our return, Plymouth was buried in ash. A horrible sight. The V has been smoking for years, threatening a new eruption. Will it trigger an earthquake? Tidal wave? Pray not. 

We are 50' above the water, and hopefully would have time to run like hell to the guest house or higher. 

We trust in G-d! Amen.

Be well...lovlovlov  Jacky
On Mar 12, 2007, at 12:20 AM, Dee Rohe wrote:

Jacky, would you and Ed in any danger there by the sea if this should happen?

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