Thursday, March 15, 2007

The mind, part III

This will please some people and this will freak out some people. 
Like Abraham Lincoln said, "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." 

Here's an excerpt from Randy Lilllard's writings.  As you may know, he's a Georgia/Jacksonville country boy and was healed of a fatal illness in his youth.  We know him personally.  Yes, he is a very strong Christian, too and goes to church on Sundays and Weds. nights  without fail.  He'll not let anything come between him and that!  And he is in excellent health due to his faith and his natural healing practices.  deexxoo 

The Mind Part 3
Alright?  So what is meditation? Anytime you have ever listened to anything you were meditating.  I'm listening to music. I'm listening to my girlfriend, my boyfriend because the word meditate means to listen.  Now, I want you to start listening to something else.  I want you to start listening to the movement behind the movement.   I want you to begin to listen to the music behind the music.  I want you to begin to listen to the breath behind the breath.  And next time that you are out in nature, I want you to pay attention, and listen and feel the chi of a squirrel, of a bird, of a tree that appears with your physical eyes that it is not doing tai' chi gung.  But if you tune into it, it will become your tai' chi gung master, because that is what happened to me. 
My teachers attuned me to nature.  It became self evident to me that all the great avatars of the world had to spend time in nature.  If you want to be like them guys, its common sense.  If you're not spending time there, you'll never get there.  Obviously, they did for a reason? am I right?  Also guess what?  The lesson to the mind is going to be? no wonder the world looks like its going to hell in a hand basket because the world does what to nature lately.  It doesn't like it.   Why?  Because it makes you grow. It makes you transform.   If you're hell bent on standing where you are. You'll want to destroy your body, you'll want to destroy your mind and you'll want to destroy nature itself because nature has been around for about 5 billion years, and we have been trying to destroy her for so long? and she just won't be destroyed so easily, will she?  That power exists in you. 
And because I knew this at 21, I have not gone to the doctor since I was a teenager.  Not for the flu, not for anything you're talking about.  I've gone for a few physicals, pissed off the medical people, and didn't go back.  When I came back in 1982, my mom hadn't seen me in a couple years, and she wanted me to go have a physical medical examination with my kidney doctor.  Who, God rest his soul passed away 4 or 5 years ago.  So I did that.  He didn't like the x-ray.  The x-ray showed a kidney that was grown back completely intact, and he could not understand that.    That's when I knew? thank you Bo-yang.   I know from that point on, that outside authority could no longer help me.  Why?  Because they had gone down a road so far, un-open to all these things that how in the world could they help me unless I met a physician that had gone down this road. 
Thank God where we are today.  We're in about the first 10 years where doctors like Andrew Weil, and bio-chemists like Steven Cherniske have gone down this road now for 10 or 20 years.  But guys up until then, you're not going to find many physicians out there, there will be less than 1%, who have had a 10 year experience in this stuff here.  So doesn't it make sense then? how in the world can they interact. 
I didn't say that to scare you but if it did in a sense to move you forward, then that's ok.  Because we're motivated by a lot of things and sometimes its not a bad thing to be motivated by fear if it has a positive outcome.  The thing is to get our butt moving.  And that is the key. 
So lets look at the mind in another way.  Meditation means to listen.  I want you to start listening to the right things.  Prayer means? do you want to spend all your day praying what everyone comes in contact with?  So lets look at how the field works.  Lets look at human relationships.  So I have a loved one.  I have a couple kids.  I lay down beside her every night, or she lays down beside me, and you're thinking what's happening?  You're beginning to say? who's thinking whose thoughts?  Ah ha.  What's going on here?   The thoughts in their field are influencing the thoughts in your field. The thoughts in your field are influencing the thoughts in their field.   Who wins?  The strong.  The strong always wins.  If you're sleeping with the enemy, you begin to weaken your whole condition.  If you're not strong enough you'll get pulled in to that frame of mind.  It makes choosing partners a little bit more important, doesn't it?  We'll talk about that more later this afternoon in human relationships.   Choosing your partner is important. 
It also means for you to take a look at this in regards to the mind.  And that is? look at your working environment.   Why?  One of the things that was the most huge eye openers for me and you can understand with my background is that recently I've been revisiting the hospitals of the world to work with some of the people who are a little bit more sick than most people.  More importantly as a support system to the families of people who are losing loved ones that are passing away or in the midst of passing away.  And imagine what with my awareness what I have found.  I've been knowing this for years? a breeding ground for mental illness. Am I right?  If ever there was a breeding ground, please don't call it health care.  Whatever you do, don't call it health care.  But I walk in there, and I see some of the most beautiful souls, its amazing for me to see a nurse that is still just doing what she signed up to do which is to heal people.  When I see one? I'm goin? how many months will she stay like this?  How many years?  For those of you who have worked in hospitals or have been a nurse or a care giver you'll know what I'm talking about.  What did I find out over my years of training?  People working in the hospitals were becoming like the people in the beds.  Amazing yes?  What's happening?  They are being influenced by the thought mechanisms of the patients. 
Saw this with attorneys in the court room back a couple years ago.  I'm going? whoa, that was a dark and scary place.  I'm going? I don't care, you couldn't pay me enough to be in there and show up every day. Right?  And I walk by a courtroom, and the jail cell came out.
What I'm saying is, everything has a cause and effect.  Illness is not circumstance.  It does not happen out of pie in the sky.  It has a root cause in the being.  And guess where its root of roots lie? In the Mind. It is in the mind.  This is what my teacher told me in Tibet? in Tibet and in India, I heard this more from Babaji in India than from Bo-yang in Tibet.  This is what it is to a human being that does not understand their God given power.  This is how they use the mind.  They decide they want to be sick. They decide they want to be unhealthy? because something in this circle of chi upset them.   And then within their human body and spirit, they create something that is socially acceptable and when they don't change it, their human body is destined to do what?  To prove it to be so. 
Because? what is the human body?  It is a physical filtration system.  That is what it is.  What is it impacted with the most?  What is its seed that it gets day in and day out?  The quality of your thoughts. 
(To be continued)

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