Thursday, September 28, 2006

Magnitude 7.2 Quake Triggers Tsunami on Indonesia's Java wrote:
Subject: Magnitude 7.2 Quake Triggers Tsunami on Indonesia's Java
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:26:56 -0400

September 28th, 2006
with Mitch Battros - ECM/ECTV

Magnitude 7.2 Quake Triggers Tsunami on Indonesia's Java
by Mitch Battros - ECM/ECTV
The tsunami followed a 7.2-magnitude quake that struck deep beneath the Indian Ocean approximately 240 kilometers (150 miles) southwest of Java's western coast.
A powerful earthquake sent a two-meter (yard) high tsunami crashing into a beach resort on Indonesia's Java island Monday, killing at least five people and damaging hotels and houses. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed the casualties in a radio broadcast.
People fled to a nearby hill to escape the wave on Pangandaran beach in west Java, a woman identified as Teti told el-Shinta radio station.
"All the houses are destroyed along the beach,'' she said, adding that at least three people were killed.
The tsunami followed a 7.2-magnitude quake that struck deep beneath the Indian Ocean approximately 240 kilometers (150 miles) southwest of Java's western coast at 3:24 p.m. (0824 GMT), causing tall buildings to sway in the capital Jakarta and at least one other city.
I have begun to note it is not just the ?external? (earth changes) which is shifting, but humans as well. Really all living things. Remember, we too have magnetic fields which surround each of us. I think it is not unrealistic whatsoever to conjecture what is happening ?externally? is also happening ?internally?.
Join me on October 8th and 9th in Taos, New Mexico at which time I will be presenting current scientific data which corresponds with ancient text. John Major Jenkins will also be there presenting his latest research into the Mayan calendar and culture.
***Stay tuned to the Earth Changes Media website for the latest most accurate breaking news which affects us all. To listen to tonight's show, go to the ECM website and click on "Listen live".
Earth Changes Media 'Radio Hour'
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 PM to 10 PM (Pacific) 
Tuesday September 26th ? Dr. Larry Paxton - Dr. Paxton is on the NASA science team which has recently published an eye-catching statement. Weather on Earth has a surprising connection to space weather occurring high in the electrically-charged upper atmosphere, known as the ionosphere, according to new results from NASA satellites. This discovery will help improve forecasts of Earth's weather and its connection to 'charged particles'.
"Re-schedule" Thursday October 5th ? John Major Jenkins - author of "Mayan Sacred Science". John has an upcoming special on the History Channel which will air ?Decoding the Past: Mayan Doomsday Prophecy?. In a brief conversation with John he realized he had learned a very important and powerful lesson: ?How not to make a 2012 documentary filled with doom and gloom?. This lesson reminded me of how we can ?raise the bar? reflecting Maya traditions which emphasizes hope, trust, and empowerment?.
Tuesday October 3rd ? Dr. Willy Gaspar M.D. ? author ?Celestial Clock?. This book does an excellent job of explaining astronomical prophecy. It explains coming earth changes and 2012 very well.
Preparing For Coming Earth Changes 
I will be presenting detailed information on ?preparing for the coming earth changes? at cities around the nation. This will include a step-by-step handout for you to take home. I will also present the latest information which includes a demonstration on how magnetic flux has a direct affect on humans. We are coming into ?cycle 24? which was predicted ?live" on ECM Radio Hour by NASA stating cycle 24 will be up to 50% stronger than ?cycle 23? in which we witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. This means larger earth changing events in the way of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and various storms. But it also means we will be bombarded with charged particles via severe geomagnetic storms from the Sun.
Contact us at to have this 2 or 4 hour presentation in your area.
A unique and special attraction will also be presented at selected venues. I will show ?live footage? of the Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony while on location at a recently discovered Mayan temple which sits on the Belize ? Guatemala border. I will discuss what Mayan elder Carlos Barrios stated in our October 2005 interview. ?First there was water, then there was air, then there will be dirt (earth), then there will come fire?. (Carlos Barrios)
Current ECM Scheduled 2006 Presentations:
- October 8,9th 2006 - Taos, NM    (Sagebrush Inn)
- October 21,22nd 2006 ? Atlanta, GA   (Oracle 20-20 Magazine)
- (New) November 4th 2006 - Greenville, SC   (Kimah Healing Arts Center)  
- (New) November 5th 2006 - Boone, NC   (Ancient Wisdom Bookstore)
Contact - Deborah Prado email:
- (New) March 24th 2007 - Enid, Oklahma   (Spirit of Spring)
Contact - Donna Geller email: 
'Solar Rain' Workshop Tour Information
Mitch Battros produces a bi-weekly radio show titled ?Earth Changes Radio Hour?. He began in television in April 1995 and continued until August 2002 at which time he switched to radio and can be heard world wide. He is the author of ?Solar Rain? (The Earth Changes Have Begun) addressing the Sun ? Earth Connection and its effect on weather and humans. He is a licensed mental health therapist specializing in PTSD (trauma resolution). He is a member of the Red Cross Disaster Team mental health unit. Mitch works with the King Co. Emergency Management Office as a field trainer, and is a licensed N.A.D.A. acupuncturist.
To make arrangements for Mitch Battros to present this fascinating and informative presentation, send an email to:
 Act now to ensure your best dates. Now scheduling for December 2006 and Calendar Year 2007.
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Producer ? Earth Changes TV

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Jehovah also known as Jesus of Nazareth, is the central figure of Christianity. He is commonly referred to as Jesus Christ, where "Christ" is a Greek-derived title meaning "Anointed One" which corresponds to the Hebrew-derived "Messiah".
