Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Could intergalactic pressures be causing earth rumbles?

Thanks for this Jimmy!
Hmmnn.. I don't see mention of the volcano in Montserrat.. 
Have you noticed how there are so many 5 + mag quakes lately?
Sweet dreams all..
CC&P snip

"Breaking News!" from ECTV

1. Flood and Landslide Warning Issued for Japan
2. Heavy rain is expected on the Pacific coast of eastern and western Japan
3. New Maps Highlight Landslide Dangers In Seattle
4. Ecuadoreans Evacuate as Tungurahua Volcano Spews
5. Mount St. Helens 'fin' crumbling further
6. Meteor Activity Outlook for May 19-25th. 2006
7.More Residents Return Home Despite Volcano Warnings in Indonesia
8. Sixteen killed, 1 Million more Evacuated as Typhoon Chanchu Hits China
9. Freak Tornado Hits Bahamas
10. NASA: Galaxy Clusters Have Different Supernova Yields
11. Rare Tornado Hits in Ireland
12. Critics Raising Alarm Over Elk Dying Around Volcano
13. Comet's Tail 'Causes Great Light Show'
14. Lava Flows Down Merapi's Flanks
15. A 6.9 Quake Hits Northern Sumatera, Indonesia
Enough for now. What a World!
How are things in your neighborhood...


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