Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Red Alert: Crusty Mud coming your way. Watch out! Hit the internet! "Lunacy Reigns", by yet another nutcase whacko babbler...

Omigosh! Here We Go Again; Rumors of a Pole Shift (Crustal Displacement) Hit the Internet- Crust is Mud!

by Mitdge Bawdross - Earth Changes Muse
There is yet another nutcase running around the internet yelling "The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling". This gem goes by the name of Mitch Bawdross (no relations)  and proclaims the end is near. This fine specimen uses this nicely planned scare tactic in the same vain as others. He states: "eventually to culminate in catastrophic upheavals" , surely followed by "but before you go be sure and check out my website and buy my book, "Lunar Rain."  
  I guess this goes along the lines of yet another nutcase who goes by the name Stan Dayo (wrong spelling, so it can't possibly be Stan Deyo) who often finds some idiot radio host to let him on the air to literally say (yell): "RED ALERT ? RED ALERT the continental plates are about to crack any minute now. Run, run quickly; but before you go be sure and by my book "Lunarcy Reigns".  I wonder why Stan wouldn't come and talk on my radio program?  Well, I'll fix him!  I'll just try to smear him all over the internet and expose myself. 
Not one single scientists has come forward to support this theoretical conjecture which references "psychics" (no relations to "psychicks" as it's authority. I'm open to such events, but I will need tangible evidence of its claimed "meaning". This is to say, any novice knows of the Earth's wobble driven by the Sun, as it reflects directly the "Equation". Richard Gross, a JPL geophysicist, reports that the principal cause of the Chandler wobble is fluctuating pressure on the bottom of the ocean, caused by temperature and salinity changes and wind-driven changes in the circulation of the oceans.
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)  (like mitch battros doesn't realize that everyone knows this already.. nope, he didn't invent it)
Most amateur and novice researchers are also mostly familiar with the Earth's precession, but this in no way suggest (sic) any such analogy as produced by Mitch Bawdross whose main source of confirmation is based on a "psychic". In other words more woo-woo babble based on gathered material and presented in a disjointed non-sensible manner. So?
I would simply ask for someone to present "endorsements" of Mitch's unconfirmed, un-corroborated, non-endorsed, mystical woo-woo analogy. Oh yes, I've had the taste of mud before, and will gladly take another bit if even one of you can produce and substantial credible evidence supporting his assertion that a "Pole Shift" is occurring.
This wacko is not suggesting a "magnetic pole shift" but a "crustal shift" and to put in his own words: "eventually to culminate in catastrophic upheavals." Haven't we heard this babble before? Why yes we did. Haven't even I suggested it?  Go way back, way back, and research some of my earlier net missiles. Who can remember Richard Noone? That's right, the nutcase who said we would experience a "crustal displacement" on 5-5-2000 and we would all perish.
Here is (sic) the "real" facts backed up by the highest esteemed experts acknowledged throughout the world. Dr. Gary Glatzmaier and Dr. Peter Olson.  Household words.
A fine specimen, indeed.

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