Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Re: Cartoon of Jesus kissing Mohammed as shown in WorldNetDaily .com

Just who says these are Jesus and Mohammed pictured anyway?  hmmmnn. 
Po' ol muslims just cain't take any ribbing.. they are that poor in their self confidence?
Jesus is probably having a laugh at this cartoon... Ol Mo is not! 
Reality is in the eye and interpretation of the beholder.
And --  So.. who's to say it isn't a picture of Jesus kissing Mo on the cheek, trying to get that old licentious hornswaggler to puh - leese get his clothes back on, as Jesus isn't interested that much in the soon to decompose flesh anyway....
Ol Mo would of course foster 'the Tunnel of Tolerance'.... He is not about Love.   Ol Satan desires to foster Tolerance in this earth. 
"Tolerance" of course is just above " stuffed frustration" in emotions.  Not a virtue at all.  Not at all!
Not at all like the true virtue of "Patience" which is Paying Attention To Inner Experience Now,  Consciously, Earnestly -- then taking one step at a time, knowing the outcome is going to be wonderful, according to His Plan. 
Why should anyone 'tolerate' low standards?  Violence?  Terrorism?  Should we tolerate rapists?  People who behead Christian schoolchildren?  People who are determined to kill all Jews?  And kill all Christians. And stone the women who were raped?  sheesh! Should we tolerate serial killers? Suicide bombers? Sure, why not.  They will just interpret tolerance as agreement and weakness.  And the beat goes on. 
"Tolerance" is not anywhere near Love which is a real act and quite often a noble decision.
Love your enemies... pray for them.  But puh-leese don't tolerate them.  Kiss them if you must, bless them, too.

What's this?   http://tpmr.com/??17370
Whatever it is, it changes from time to time. 
Dee and Roy :-)

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