Sunday, February 12, 2006

Oh heavens! Marian apparitions - 'other worldy' ? And what would that mean?

hmmmm very interesting!
However, please know that the Virgin Mary never has claimed to be a 'deity'.. just the mother of Jesus and -- also she presents herself with inspirational titles - like "Reconcilitor", "Immaculate Conception", etc. which can inspire people to think more lovingly and prayerfully. 
And indeed any apparition to be seen in the earthly dimension has to be projected from another dimension from somewhere in the Cosmos.  Everthing is here, IN the Cosmos, from whatever dimension. Hey, television waves are right there in front of you, and back of you going through you, from top to bottom, from left to right, from right to left.  You don't see them?  Well they are there nevertheless. You need a working TV set to interpret the broadcast frequencies and step them down, and translate them into electrical impulses both within the TV to project onto the screen and then, your brain has to redo the light waves hitting your retina from the TV and convert them into electrical signals so that you can 'see' whatever light waves your eye is receiving.  Holograms, apparitions, TV all similar.  "Apparition" means "appearance" or "image"  ....  OMIGOSH there's an apparition on your TV screen!  ha ha.
Any apparition is interpreted by the mind, culture and experience of the seer, and this is acknowledged by the Roman Catholic church.  Yep, you and I looking at the same TV show would have a bit different view as we're conditioned by our bit different culture and our bit different brains. The apparitions of Mary in Akita Japan, were of a Japanese Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe was of an Aztec Princess, etc. She, or the mechanisms behind the apparitions uses whatever material is available and understandable to the seer. No two people are alike exactly.
The word "Heaven" in the original Aramaic language is "d'bwashmaya'"... this word means sky, and it also means vibration of the name, of the total sum of the wave-lengths of the all-encompassing frequency, it also means shimmering cosmos.....see the 'sh' roots?  Which means name, which indicates that everyone has their own name, their own vibration or 'frequency'.  Even the Spanish word for sky and heaven is the same, 'cielo'...from Latin.  The Romans would pronounce the heavenly word with a 'sh' or 'ch' sound beginning.  So no one was trying to mislead people here. Heaven means from a higher vibrating dimension - early peoples may have just thought of the 'sky' .. they looked up and recognized the body of God in the stars.   
 Now what with quantum physics being more understood these days, now is the time for us to understand more of this.  Back in Fatima's days, it would take Einstein to have a clue..
"Heaven", just like the vibrating frequency of God, is everywhere.. within and without.  Whatever your personal frequency is,  is what you harmonize with..  It's a good idea to line your own personal frequencies with the 'heavenly' ones.  :-)  Get into attunement, in other words, at-one-ment.  For RC's that would entail adoring God, Sunday mass, repentence, loving your neighbor, rosaries, daily prayers, confessing your sins, keeping the 10 commandments, etc.  For New Agers, it would be done by other means to raise and line up the vibes, but would always entail Love and Light and just might be done in many of the same ways..   For fundamental Christians, it would be accepting Jesus as the Saviour, keeping the 10 commandments and trying to do what Jesus would do. 
  There's absolutely no reason for psychics, intuitive persons, 'medium's', sensitives, sensible people newpaper reporters, and Joe Schmoe to NOT have an intuition about these apparitions ahead of time. Of, course, why not? Probably was vibrating very strongly in the mass consciousness... who could miss it? Even my hubby's uncle, Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, ("Less is More" and "God is in the Details")  knew to get out of Germany to avoid the Nazi's!!
" Miracles"  follow physical laws, but perhaps laws we haven't discovered yet.  It's so very interesting... the whole shebang!

Janis Glibreath <> wrote:
I thought this might be of interest so am forwarding it to a few of you, who, like me, are always interested in further learning of the interpretations of religious events.

Joaquim Fernandes <> wrote:
From: "Joaquim Fernandes" <>
To: <>
Subject: Fatima Apparitions Unknown History
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 15:14:13 -0000

Dear friend,
I think that you might find interesting the following information about the well known Fatima Marian Apparitions, Portugal 1917 as a classic popular Catholicism phenomenon. A new and dramatic long term research in the original documents reveals aunexpected links with most of the new spiritualistic and paranormal dimensions of urban contemporary beliefs and and the amazing discovery that this was an event previous announced in the press by a medium message reception as we show in the sequel of this work. Thank you for distributing it through your community and for any comments that you may wish to offer.
Best regards,
Joaquim Fernandes, Ph.D
University Fernando Pessoa
In Heavenly Lights, Portuguese historians Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d? Armada tell the true story of the apparitions of Fátima. The first history of Fátima to be written by Portuguese historians based on the true original documents, Heavenly Lights is the result of a 25-year odyssey by the authors in search of the actual facts of the Fátima case. Fernandes and d? Armada began their investigation in 1978, when they were given access to secret archives held at the Sanctuary of Fátima.
The records of Sister Lúcia, kept at the archives since the incident, revealed that the children did not interact with an apparition of the Virgin Mary but with a kind of hologram of an unidentified source projected through a beam of light from the sky above them. The archives clearly showed that the entities encountered at Fátima were not deities from Heaven but rather multidimensional beings from ?elsewhere? in the vast Cosmos. This finding was supported by hundreds of other facts from the time of the apparitions. Fátima, the authors discovered, was the first major UFO-like case of the 20th century. It contains in anticipation all the phenomenological features of the modern aerial events and also the physical, psychological and spiritual patterns of the contemporary ?contactee syndrome? as an altered state of consciousness. This new work offers a powerful argument for both historians, anthropologist, cosmologist and ?ET? researchers and religious scholars alike to re-examine the actual evidence that at last explains the enduring mystery of the Fátima incident.

About the Authors

Joaquim Fernandes, Ph.D, is Professor of History at the University Fernando Pessoa in Porto, Portugal. He directs the Multicultural Apparitions Research International Academic Network (Project MARIAN). His research interests include the history of science and the comparative anthropology of religion, with an emphasis on anomalistic phenomena.

Fina d? Armada holds a Master?s degree in Women's Studies. She has written five books about the Fátima incident, all based on original documents held in the archives ? three co-authored with Fernandes ? and hundreds of articles. Her research interests include phenomenology, local history, the history of women, and the era of Portuguese discovery.

About the Book

Heavenly Lights:  The Apparitions of Fátima and the UFO Phenomenon

By Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d? Armada

Translated and Edited by Andrew D. Basiago and Eva M. Thompson

Foreword by Jacques F. Vallée
few reviews:
"Priceless" Rated 9/10 by Fortean Times!
...[Y]ou cannot fault their careful deconstruction of first-hand accounts...the study deserves to be read by all perceptual and social psychologists and historians, indeed anyone interested in primary documentation of a major anomalous event series with multiple witnesses. ...Heavenly Lights is priceless, and Dr. Fernandes and Ms. D'Armada should be congratulated on their important contribution to understanding what goes on in the mind of those undergoing visionary experiences. ...The book deserves a place on the fortean or ufological bookshelf....
Bob Rickard, Fortean Times
"Outstanding Job!"
This book is an easy, interesting read. The translators are to be congratulated. ...[A]n outstanding research of this series of events. ...The reader will find many outstanding details in this book that are not available anywhere else.
"The Author" M5
A Keeper!
"I had previously read quite a bit about Fatima, but this book presented a wealth of material which was new to me. ...There is nothing irreligious here -- the authors really aren't suggesting that Fatima was 'a visitation by aliens from Zeta Reticuli', merely that there is a close parallel between Fatima and reported UFO cases. Readers are still free to decide for themselves what the puzzling events we label 'UFO sightings', 'alien visitations' and 'Marian apparitions' actually are. My UFO library has grown to such silly proportions that I now only keep books which I regard as classics, but I'm keeping this one."
Reader Review,
A "Wonderful Book!" 
"...It is not my practice to recommend every book I read, but I make an exception for a book which is both on-topic and highly significant. ...This wonderful book follows the patient research of Dr. Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada... [and sheds] new light on the Vatican's recent decision to allow Monsignor Corrado Balducci to go on Italian national television five times [to] tell the viewers that Star Visitor encounters are real."
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Behavioral scientist, anthropologist, hypnotherapist, educator President, Star Kids Project, Ltd. President of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) 
"An Instant Classic!"  
"...In this meticulous phenomenological presentation, the authors have dug deep into the historical record, as only researchers fluent in Portuguese could have, tracking down accounts from the time of the apparitions, in the form of newspapers, meteorological reports, letters written by witnesses to their relatives, and even a couple of accounts from eyewitnesses still alive when Fernandes and d'Armada were doing their research. ...While others have raised the issue of Fatima in relation to the UFO phenomenon, to my knowledge this book is the first to present in-depth original research on anything like this scale. I believe it is, indeed, an instant classic (20 years later!) describing one of the most important cases on record."
Dante Rosati 
MUFON Ontario (UFO Update)
"A Heavenly Tour de Force!"  
"...A work of singular distinction... Heavenly Lights is both true to the real facts of the Fátima events (as distinguished from hundreds of previous works, which were without rigorous historical support) and abundant in detail (with hundreds of facts taken from the actual historical record).
...What emerges is a true telling of the Fátima incident that will stand the test of time as the leading book that establishes the extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional origin of this important case.  In the great tradition of fact informing fantasy, so that the conclusions drawn are far-reaching rather than far-fetched, Heavenly Lights is a tour de force."
Lawrence Kennedy, Ph.D. and Sandra Sitzmann, M.A.
Noted parapsychologists; authors of Terra in Transition, Thunderous Days of Change, and Beyond 2000.
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