Monday, February 06, 2006

Last big moment for history as we know it?

Eric Starwalker 
<>to TimeStar
 More options   11:41 pm (14 minutes ago)
"When I checked the timewave, it looks like the last big moment for history as we know it is November- December 2007.  From that point, the timewave goes into unrelenting novelty".
That 'big moment for history' is marked by Jupiter combining with Pluto also conjunct the Galactic Center
in the final degrees of Sagittarius. (12/11/2007). The last time this conjunction occurred was 12/2/1994 in the last degrees of Scorpio. This is the beginning of a cycle that will last until 2020 with a 3 fold conjunction of
Jupiter and Pluto in the latter degrees of Capricorn. 2020 is a 'ring pass not' year with Saturn combining
with Pluto also in Capricorn in January of that year. 2020 will close with a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the very 1st degree of Aquarius marking the beginning of a 20 year period of social revolution and awakening. This conjunction will be particularly important since it marks an approximately 200 year period of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in the Air Element. We got a hint of this portent in the 1980's and 90's with the computer revolution opening up avenues of free and independent communication globally. It's important to note that December of 2007 is the beginning of a cycle whose full import may take a number of years to become fully evident. It's a seeding time. I pay particular attention to omens and Gestures of the Spirit at times like these that give an indication of the collective choices being made that set the tone for the cycle that's about to unfold. This cycle spans the Zero Point Gateway.
On 12/18/2007 Jupiter will enter Capricorn the Sign of it's 'fall'. Every Celestial has a Sign that it's most
comfortable and at home with. This is the Sign that it 'rules' astrologically. Jupiter rules Sagittarius. The Sign
opposite to it's Rulership is said to the Sign of it's 'detriment'. Jupiter is in it's detriment when transiting the
Sign of Gemini opposite to Sagittarius. A Celestial is somewhat challenged in staying true to it's own nature when operating in the Sign of it's detriment. Gemini is the Sign that asks us to pay attention to the immediate details of our everyday environment. It's 'Mouse Medicine'. With Jupiter's expansive energetic nature, you can see how he would be somewhat challenged in the Gemini environment. Celestials also have their Signs of
'exaltation' and 'fall'. The Sign of a Celestial's exaltation is the environment within which it shines the brightest. Astrologically, Jupiter is said to be exalted in the Sign of Cancer. The Sign opposite to the Sign of it's exaltation is said to be the Sign of it's fall. Capricorn is the Sign opposite to Cancer and therefore the Sign of Jupiter's fall. These are archaic terms but point to important underlying principles. After being in it's own Sign of Sagittarius, it's expansive and optimistic nature is tested by the powers that be in the Sign of Capricorn. This is the most challenging environment for Jupiter's nature. In terms of consciousness opportunities for mastery abound. If a Celestial can remain true to it's nature under the most adverse of conditions, it has truly mastered it's own nature. I've found that many advanced Souls have chosen charts with Celestials in their fall because of the opportunities for complete mastery that they offer. If we can remain true to our own natures when pushed to the wall, we've graduated! Pluto transits into Capricorn on 1/25/2008 retrograding back into Sagittarius in the summer and fall and then fully entering it's Capricorn phase on 11/27/2008 shortly after the next presidential election. Throughout December of 2007 Saturn will be at a virtual standstill in the Heavens. Saturn stations turning retrograde on 12/18/2007 in early Virgo. When Saturn stations turning retrograde, the powers that be are put on notice. Are we seeing a Cosmic setup here?!
The outer Celestials Jupiter through Pluto potentiate the global stage. The Celestials from the Sun through Mars channel these archetypic potentials into our personal lives. Mercury and the Sun will combine with Jupiter and Pluto from the 19th to the 23rd 2007 spanning the Winter Solstice. The energy builds to a crescendo on the evening of the 23rd into the 24th with the Full Moon in early Cancer. Venus will be in Scorpio, the Sign of her detriment, looking to Pluto as her guide.
Mars, as the Gateway to the Outer Planets, sets the energetic tone for our personal experience of Archetypic
Powers. Mars, ruling the musculature, channels these energies into our physical bodies. Throughout December 2007 Mars will be retrograde in Cancer, the Sign of it's fall. Mars will have turned retrograde on 11/15/2007.
Since Mars energizes our will to assert ourselves in fulfilling our own personal desires, it has the most difficulty of all the Celestials adjusting to the call to turn inward that the retrograde phase demands. Mars is distinctly challenged by having to turn back upon himself and evaluate the consequences of his own actions. The Sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the Mother Power. She is highly empathic and sensitive to the needs of those who may need her nurturance and protection. Cancer is a water Sign and Mars, by nature, is Fire as the ruler of Aries. So not only is Mars retrograde, but he's also being asked to operate in a nurturing empathic environment that's most challenging to his own nature! Mars will also be opposing Pluto on 1/2/2008. The intensity of Mars aspects (especially to Pluto) tend to build in the 2 weeks preceding the exact aspect. Mars will continue to retrograde back into Gemini in January and turn direct on 1/30/2008. The challenge to Mars will begin on 9/28/2007 when it 1st transits into the Sign of Cancer.
December of 2007 is going to be INTENSE !!! For me personally, I want to make sure that I'm in a safe place with those I love and trust.
The 20th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence in August of 2007 looks pretty wild. The Medicine of the desert for me is in the land. The full Moon at the end of August would open Gateways to the powers of Mama
strengthening us for what appear to be very trying times in the latter part of 2007.
If there are any other astrologer on the list, I'd love your take on all of this.
Eric Starwalker 
PS: Krsanna ~ since you are the prime instigator (Heh Heh) of this party, aspects to your chart at the time would be a significant indicator of the power of our gathering. Any info shared with me of a personal nature will be held in the strictest confidence.

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