Saturday, February 18, 2006

A hunting we will go!

  Monday, Feb. 13, 2006 1:12 p.m. EST
Media AWOL When Hillary Clinton Injured a Cop
The press is devoting blanket coverage to Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident on Saturday, where he injured a friend while the two were quail shooting in Texas.
But the media didn't think it was such a big deal five years ago, when Sen. Hillary Clinton injured a police officer who was manning a security post at the Westchester County Airport while she was rushing to a fundraiser.
On Oct. 14, 2001, Clinton's Ford conversion van blew past a security checkpoint manned by Officer Ernest Dymond, who said later that he immediately feared a repeat of the Sept. 11 attacks.
"The van went by me and we ordered them to stop and it continued going and we continued to yell to stop," said Dymond. "I didn't know if we had a terrorist," he told the Washington Times.
The quick-thinking cop grabbed the door of Mrs. Clinton's vehicle and hung on for dear life - banging away on the window until her Secret Service driver stopped.
Injured in the process, Dymond was unable to return to work for weeks.
Two weeks after the accident, NewsMax caught up with Officer Dymond and asked if Mrs. Clinton or anyone from her office had bothered to apologize - or even check to see how he was doing.
"I can tell you, no," the hero cop said.
In contrast, Vice President Cheney was described as "very concerned" about the incident and spent Sunday checking on his injured friend "almost on a minute-by-minute basis," the New York Times said.
Despite the fact that Mrs. Clinton was the leading elected Democrat in the country, the episode received almost no media attention, with only a handful of local news outlets picking up the story.
 ~~Reprinted from

What's this?
Whatever it is, it changes from time to time. 
Dee and Roy :-)

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