Saturday, February 11, 2006


 Timothy had a vision December 31, 2005
God?s Plans versus the Enemy?s Plans for 2006
February 7, 2006
From Timothy Snodgrass

Turbulent seas, restless economy, terrorist attacks, wars, these are the enemy?s plans for 2006. But God has an Army which is moving behind the scenes to disrupt the enemy?s plans and release victory this year. We are recommending that the month of MARCH, 2006 be set aside as a time of serious prayer and fasting for our cities and nations. A spirit of apathy and slumber has tried to quietly move into the ranks of the Army of the Lord, and many Christian leaders have forgotten the urgency of the hour they are now living. America and many nations are now on the verge of some major cataclysmic events, and although many Christians know this in their minds, they have allowed the enemy to lure them asleep with the cares of the world. To merely understand with our minds is insufficient ? we must understand with our hearts, souls, and every part of our beings. Listen to the sound of the future. I hear the sound of towering waves smashing against our shores, the destructive clash of thunder as tsunami engulf our coastlines with unexpected finality. Open your eyes to the world of tomorrow: I see the faces of our young men and women in the Middle East, standing in the center of harms way as Iranian missiles fly overhead. The enemy wishes to stir up war this year, shall we let him? Feel the rumblings of the days shortly to come. Can you feel the ground beneath your feet shake, as entire cities disappear underneath the cold blue waters of violent seas? It is not time to talk about prayer, fasting and repentance ? it is time to do it! Now is the time to MARCH forward and stand in the gap for our cities and nations while there is still time to make change, for this year has the potential of being both disastrous and victorious at the same time ? but our time to act is short.

God is calling many branches of the Lord?s Army to enter into different WATCHES of prayer and fasting during this season. Some watches will begin on 2/19 (40 days, from 2/19 to 3/31), other watches will begin on 3/1 (30 days, from 3/1 to 3/31), and many watches have already begun. God is not calling us into a legalistic, burdensome fast, but into a new lifestyle that will release healing, salvation, miracles, signs and wonders. Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify what watch you are to be a part of this season, then be diligent in following the specific directives received from heaven. For many, this watch will not end on 3/31, but become permanent lifestyle of prayer, fasting and sacrificial service to the Kingdom of God. The healing which you have asked for is now on the horizon, and you will be used as a vessel of healing for the nations.
On December 31, 2005, I was taken in the Spirit over the crystal blue waters of the South Pacific, and saw the seismic plates of the Southern Hemisphere begin to shake. The seas became turbulent, and tsunami began to ripple across Polynesia, one wave after another in frequent succession. I then found myself standing upon the white sands of Fiji, and standing beside me in the Spirit was a man of God whom I recognized as being from California. We both stood up simultaneously and stretched our hands towards a large mountain in the Pacific, praying that God would hold back his judgment and have mercy on the region the sake of the harvest. Shortly following this vision, a 7.6 shook the South Sandwich Islands in the Antarctic region on January 2, followed by a 7.1 quake in Fiji, then a 7.0 quake in the Gulf of California (a very unusual event ? 3 earthquakes within less than 24 hours which exceeded 7.0 on the same day, each quake being centered in different parts of the world). (Above magnitudes were taken from Swiss auto-readings. Some seismic agencies publish slightly higher or lower readings.)
Not only is there a great urgency to continue interceding for Polynesia, Indonesia and Melanesia in 2006, but it is equally important to continue praying for the Antarctic Region and the West Coast of America. I believe that many prophetic warnings received in the past were foreshadows of greater events yet to come. Among these prophecies, one particular word comes to mind in light of the 7.1 quake in Fiji ? a prophecy we received many years ago that the U.S. West Coast would experience a great quake shortly after the ?second Polynesian quake?. Was this word referring to 2006? Only time will tell, but the fact that 2006 began with a large quake in Fiji, followed within hours by a 7.0 quake in the Gulf of California is another indication we should be alert and keep a close eye on Polynesia this year. Regardless of whether a second quake shakes Polynesia this year or not, the key to averting a great quake in America is prayer, fasting and repentance.
As we draw closer to the second coming of Christ, prophetic warnings of cataclysms and dire events will inevitably become more frequent, but the key to releasing an unpolluted word of warning is that it calls God?s people to come in alignment with HIS heart for a region, not the enemy?s heart. For example, I believe it is the enemy?s desire to bring harm to the U.S. economy in 2006, but it is NOT God?s heart! Any prophetic warning given concerning the collapse of the US Dollar should also communicate in clear terms God?s heart for the United States, not the enemy?s heart, and call God?s people into prayer and strategic action to thwart the enemy?s plans. There are many strategies for averting a serious financial crisis in America in 2006. In addition to prayer and fasting, chief among these strategies should be focused prayer for President Bush. We desperately need angelic intervention with US relations w/ Venezuela, Iran & Iraq, Israel, North Korea and other flashpoints around the globe. Needless to say, a great quake in Alaska or California this year could have serious repercussions on the US Dollar, so as prayer warriors it is important that we first deal with the root of the problem which opened the door to judgment. The anointing of the Holy Spirit can change even the most impossible of situations, quickly ending the enemy?s legal right to bring destruction upon a nation. Let our focus this year be intimacy with the Holy Spirit, sacrificial obedience and a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, for I am convinced that 2006 need not be a year of sorrow for America and the islands of the sea if we listen carefully to the directives of our Heavenly Commander & Chief and act while there is still time. Let this be a year of sorrow for the enemy!
Timothy Snodgrass

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