Thursday, February 16, 2006

Botched Abortion - She was awake and screaming..

Botched Abortion: She Was ?Awake and Screaming?   Inbox
Operation Rescue 
<>to drrohe
 More options   9:37 am (4 hours ago)
Botched Abortion: She Was ?Awake and Screaming?
February 16, 2006
Dangerous CA abortion chain sends another woman to the hospital
Santa Ana, CA ? A woman was rushed to the hospital by ambulance on Saturday, February 11, 2006 after a botched abortion at Clinica Medica Para La Mujer De Hoy located in Santa Ana, California. Pro-life sidewalk counselor Tim Nissen had the presence of mind to photograph the incident with a cell phone camera.
According to Nissen, the woman was ?awake and screaming? as she was wheeled from the front door of the abortion mill and loaded into an awaiting ambulance.
Nissan indicated that he had never before seen the abortionist who was on duty that day.
?As this drama was unfolding a couple walked up who had scheduled an abortion,? reported fellow sidewalk counselor Luis Mendoza. ?Tim used the incident to change their minds.? The couple decided against having an abortion, and indicated that they would be keeping their baby.
The Santa Ana office of Clinica Medica Para La Mujer De Hoy is part of a chain of extremely troubled abortion mills owned by restaurateur Bertha Bugarin. In the past five years, three of her abortionists have lost their medical licenses, one abortionist dropped out of sight after being exposed as having no medical license, and two abortionists have been convicted of sex crimes ranging from groping to sexual assault on a patient.
?We call on the State of California to immediately and permanently halt activities at the five Clinica Medica abortion mills and conduct a full investigation into their obviously shoddy and unsafe practices,? said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger, who conducted pro-life outreaches at So. California abortion mills for over 20 years.
?The list of women butchered and/or sexually abused by this particular group of abortion mills is as long as my arm,? said Sullenger. ?It is an appalling fact that they target predominately Hispanic women who are less likely to complain to authorities when things go wrong. There is a very real public safety consideration here and the State is exhibiting great negligence in not closing down this chain of chop shops for good.?
About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian organizations in the nation. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre- born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

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