Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Prophetically Significant News January 24 - from Timothy

 - Prophetically Significant News
JANUARY 24, 2006
For the last week our ministry has been under heavy attack on both side of the Pacific. In America, my mom was just in a serious automobile accident. She is currently visiting our family in Southern California, and while driving through Joshua Tree an elderly driver plowed into the left side of our vehicle. Although my mom and two brothers walked out of the car without a scratch, the car was almost totalled. Here in the Philippines, for the last four days we have been pounded by a rare late-January typhoon. My wife's family's small rice crop is at the point of being totally destroyed as torrential rains continue. This field is their only source of income, and they work so hard (12 to 14 hours a day) plowing it with their karabou (similar to water buffalo). Pray that this storm quickly disapates. These attacks indicate to me that we are on the verge of something major which the enemy wishes to abort this winter season. Do not be distracted by the enemy, but remain in a stance of alertness, maintaining a lifestyle of prayer, fasting and discipline during this pivotal year of 2006.


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