Saturday, September 03, 2005

After Mid-August -- No More Business as Usual

Did I not say that I was expecting something big to happen around mid-August?  Some change, some big shift?
I knew it inwardly, I felt it intensely.. many others did too...  Who has been listening to us?  Who has been willing to hear, to see? 
 On the 17th of August under intense and relentless pressure from the United States, the U.N., the E.U., Israel began to forcibly removal of 8-9,000 Jewish people from their homes, business, schools, synagogues, and land in Gaza. Overnight, 8-9,000 Jewish people became "homeless and jobless refugees." Israelis were forcibly removed from their homes and loaded on to buses leaving everything they knew and loved behind. The following days the "homeless and jobless," Israeli refugees watched on television as their homes, business, schools, and synagogues were all obliterated before their eyes. This very day some of our friends are in Gaza removing the remains of the dead, to have them interred elsewhere inside Israel. All of these acts were carried out by men, yet what was about to happen to America would be solely by the hand of God!

Within a week we all watched as our television screens displayed vivid pictures of a monster category 5 hurricane named Katrina looming off the coast of Louisiana. We were all about to experience the consequences to America for having come against the God of Israel, against His covenant with His people to remove them from their inheritance.

For the first time many Americans were about to experience up close and personal that it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God, and He is a consuming fire to those who touch the apple of His eye. Americans watched in horror as the entire city of New Orleans was ordered evacuated! People fled for their lives as the levies were breached and their homes, their schools, their businesses, their churches, and synagogues were all consumed by the rising waters. The largest evacuation in U.S. history is now underway. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost everything. Just like in Gaza, thousands are being loaded on to buses and taken to places as homeless refugees. At this writing there are more than 500,000 "homeless and jobless," Americans. In New Orleans even the dead have come up out of their graves to float among the dead in the streets of New Orleans. As this is being written there are those who slept in their graves in Gaza that have been exhumed and removed to be re-buried elsewhere in Israel.
End Excerpt ~~
 The night before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast the Lord awakened me and I went to my favorite chair to seek His face and pray about the impending disaster. As I began to intercede before the Lord, the Holy Spirit said, "Stop praying, it won't do any good!"

I was astounded and confused. As I pressed in the Lord said, "As they have done unto My people Israel so I shall do unto them." My mind flashed back to the article the Holy Spirit led me to write on May 28th, 2005, entitled "The Coming Judgment of the Nations," The Lord was clearly revealing to me that no amount of prayer or intercession would be able to hold back God's judgment on America unless our leaders turned away from their "Roadmap" plan to divide Israel and give the land over to a foreign god ? Allah!

He was revealing to me that there is a direct connection between events that took place in Gaza and the horrendous events now taking place in America in the aftermath of Katrina. Sadly, among our national leaders there is absolutely no understanding of the direct connection between what took place earlier this month in Gaza and the powerful hurricane that has just destroyed New Orleans, Gulf Port, Biloxi, and the Gulf Coast. To anyone with spiritual eyes to see and a heart to understand God's prophetic word it is clear that the Lord God has removed His hand of protection from America.

Yet, as we write this article this attitude of "business as usual," continues from the top down in our government. Our President has offered prayers for those suffering from this disaster, yet he has yet to suggest a need for national repentance. From his speech on television it seems that he mistakenly believes we can recover from this terrible wound and continue with our current policies and way of life. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Our government is intent on dividing the land of Israel, a land given to the Jewish people by God as an everlasting possession. Major religious denominations in America and England have begun an economic boycott of Israel, causing their pension funds to sell off the stock of any company that does business with Israel.

It seems that our leaders as well as many main stream denominations have forgotten God's prophetic word regarding the descendants of Abraham.

Genesis 12:3 -- "I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

There is simply no recognition by any of our leaders that any President, Prime Minister, Secretary of State, King, Prince, prophet, nation or organization that seeks to cause Israel to break covenant with the God of Israel causing them to divide the land of Israel and forfeit their inheritance is touching God Himself.

On the 17th of August under intense and relentless pressure from the United States, the U.N., the E.U., Israel began to forcibly removal of 8-9,000 Jewish people from their homes, business, schools, synagogues, and land in Gaza. Overnight, 8-9,000 Jewish people became "homeless and jobless refugees." Israelis were forcibly removed from their homes and loaded on to buses leaving everything they knew and loved behind. The following days the "homeless and jobless," Israeli refugees watched on television as their homes, business, schools, and synagogues were all obliterated before their eyes. This very day some of our friends are in Gaza removing the remains of the dead, to have them interred elsewhere inside Israel. All of these acts were carried out by men, yet what was about to happen to America would be solely by the hand of God!

Within a week we all watched as our television screens displayed vivid pictures of a monster category 5 hurricane named Katrina looming off the coast of Louisiana. We were all about to experience the consequences to America for having come against the God of Israel, against His covenant with His people to remove them from their inheritance.

For the first time many Americans were about to experience up close and personal that it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God, and He is a consuming fire to those who touch the apple of His eye. Americans watched in horror as the entire city of New Orleans was ordered evacuated! People fled for their lives as the levies were breached and their homes, their schools, their businesses, their churches, and synagogues were all consumed by the rising waters. The largest evacuation in U.S. history is now underway. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost everything. Just like in Gaza, thousands are being loaded on to buses and taken to places as homeless refugees. At this writing there are more than 500,000 "homeless and jobless," Americans. In New Orleans even the dead have come up out of their graves to float among the dead in the streets of New Orleans. As this is being written there are those who slept in their graves in Gaza that have been exhumed and removed to be re-buried elsewhere in Israel.

Why has this all come about? What is the connection between Gaza and Katrina? The connection is the judgment of God upon America. He is revealing quite clearly that whatever America has done to Israel or will do in the future, the God of Israel is going to do the exact same thing to America.

The Day of the Lord and the Future

For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head. "Because just as you drank on My holy mountain, All the nations will drink continually. They will drink and swallow and become as if they had never existed. Obadiah 1:15-16

Dear friends in the future it will not be "business as usual." We have entered a different time and season. We are in the very midst of the "birth pangs," Jesus prophesied about in Matthew 24. I believe the tsunami that took place on December 26, 2004 was one of the major signs of the "birth pangs," or the beginning of the time of the judgment of the nations. The tsunami represented the "breaking of a woman's water," prior to giving birth. When a woman's water breaks there is no stopping the birth pangs; no more false labor; the only thing that will stop the birth pangs is the birth of the baby!

Events that are unfolding in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are only the beginning of what America is going to experience because God has removed His hand of protection from us.

The question each of you must answer is this:

what is the Lord calling you to do for a time such as this?

First and foremost we are called to pray that in His mercy the Lord will cause our leaders and Israel's leaders to repent, calling for national repentance for our sins against Him and His people Israel.

If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Second, we are called to pray that our leaders and Israel's leaders will understand the consequences of not repenting and turning the people's hearts back to the Lord.

At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it. But they will say, 'It's hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart. (Jeremiah 18:7-10 12)

Thirdly, we are all being called to become "overcomers." John's message to the churches in the book of Revelation all ended with the same exhortation; "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant." What did Jesus mean when He called us to be "overcomers?"

And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death.( Revelation 12:11)

Ask yourself the question; will you become what the Lord has called you to be for a time such? Will the word of your testimony be living and active as a two edged sword? Will you shrink back or will you be a light to those who live in darkness?

Know and understand that your time of testing is near.

Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you? unless indeed you fail the test? But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test. ( 2 Corinthians 13:5-6)

Purpose in your heart to be an overcomer in Christ for a time such as this!


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Dee and Roy

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