Friday, January 14, 2005

Scientists want to know how easily the Avian virus can mate with Human flu bugs


TORONTO -- The alarm now sounds with increasing frequency and urgency: the world could be on the brink of an influenza pandemic sparked by the highly virulent avian flu strain ravaging poultry stocks in Southeast Asia, experts fear. But can that strain -- known as H5N1 -- actually acquire the ability to spread easily to and among people? And if it can, how likely is that dreaded event to occur? ..............


Under the direction of the United States scientific organization The Centers for Disease Control, the most dangerous experiment in the history of mankind is about to be taking place involving this new virus.  "This is the worst virus I've ever met in my long career.", says Dr. Robert Webster, a world-renowned expert on influenza based at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in the United States.

World Health Organization officials increasingly aware of our facing a world-wide pandemic regarding this new virus have stated "The geographic spread of the H5N1 virus in poultry, and evidence that it is becoming more versatile, could make its eradication impossible."

The worst possible scenario that could ever be imagined for the world-wide spread of this virus has now become the worldÂ?s reality with the Great Tsunami of 2004, where hundreds of thousands of dead are co-mingling with tens of thousands of international relief workers, and all in the home ground of this virus.  Before this event Dr. Shiferu Omi, Western Pacific regional director for the World Health Organization had said, "We are closer now to an influenza pandemic than at any time in recent years."

Western people are also not knowledgeable about the scientific research that is showing more and more that the origins of viruses are extraterrestrial and the result of these virusesÂ? interactions and then mutations with cosmic rays.










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