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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

RE:Natures Shock and Awe?...

As we are in a holographic universe, even within our bodies, in our cells,  even at the molecular level, we are and will be experiencing Shock and Awe. 
Take good care of yourselves dear ones, especially spiritually, as that's where it al begins. 

From: Sunbear Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 1:17 PM
To: Wayne; Spiritual Piglet; Cc: Susan Helene; Sunbear; Phoenix Quest; Paul Simone; Nancy; Global Rumblings; Dr Dee Rohe; David (LightEye); Tom; ShOshanna (SK); Ron Wortham (SK); Toy Pravdaseeker (SK); Michael St Clair (SK); Nancy White Raven (SK); Mike Castle (SK); Michael Edward (SK); Maggie (Lexi) Sinclair (SK); Galadriel (SK); Daphne Obrian (SK); Cliff Mickelson (S-K); Bonnie (SK); Bob H. (SK); Angel (SK); Aladdin (S-K); Subject: Re: Natures Shock and Awe?...

Dear Debra - we are not known to each other, but you may be quite accurate .... with three blips prior to that one .... there will not be something in that region until 2 others have shifted the tectonics .... don't wory - my infallible "earthquake heahaches" are alive and well tonight, but for the Southern Ocean/Antarctic region, which will dissipate prior to anything back in the lower Indian Ocean - Diego Garcia is a US Base supplying arms and equipment to the Middle East .... and the chips still have to fall which means that area will still be ACTIVE for US invasion of the planet.   As I have said before, until the planet is destroyed by whatever means, we cannot build a NEW WORLD.  Without the arrogance of the people who think that anything but human life is base and unnecessary, we will have to hold the light ..... we can't build a new world on the corrupt foundations of the old ....
Love, peace and blessings from Sunbear xxx
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, 5 January 2005 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: Natures Shock and Awe?...

For your reading pleasure, pictures and history of Diego Garcia:


From the way the island's surrounding geography is described, it may not have been affected by the tsunami. I do not know either way...yet...


Spiritual Piglet wrote:
yes, I sense it is another piece of the puzzle but not the full answer in my opinion.  still looking for more clues. 

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