Monday, January 24, 2005

RE: Strange Animal Activity!

Oh oh!
Well what with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to kill innocent and defenseless Terri Schiavo today 
I expect some Judgements/wake up calls happening soon on the whole United States. 
It has been predicted hasn't it - that we would fall from 'within', not due to an outside enemy. 
Remember your dream/vision of the protective walls around the U.S. falling down, and turns out it was the night before the Ten Commandments was ordered to be removed?  Also that was a day of unusual alignment in the heavens. .. Earth - Mars ?  And there was a third unusual happening that day.. can't remember what.
-----Original Message-----
From: L.W. Taylor []
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 10:10 PM
Cc: d.pope
Subject: Fwd: Strange Animal Activity!


Local animals in SE Oklahoma are acting

strange in their daily behavior.

Our dogs and cats are staying close to the

house and not prowling the fields as usual.

Also cats seem to continually want up high

on anything to keep from laying on the ground.

Dogs also show nervous activity.

Cows in pastures bawl at night and are

uncommonly agitated!

Larry Taylor


Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart.


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