Saturday, January 01, 2005

RE: Chemtrails over Cutler Ridge Florida right now, New Years Day.

Something really BIG is indeed in the making.   Either we're being killed off, or 'they' (governments?) are trying to protect us, or as according to Diane Harvey, they're (who's they?) trying to change the weather and it's only incidental that we're being made sick. That's what she told me when I asked her!   If that's the main reason, then why does it appear that the most chemtrails are over where people are numerous?  Has Diane Harvey become a disinformationist?  Maybe these are the 'serpents in the sky' of ancient Aztec and Mayan writings coming back? The Hopi's predictions of 'spiderwebs in the sky'? We're having huge and numerous solar flares, changes in the earth's magnetism-- now the 8+ and 9 mag. earthquake and tsunami's...   Four hurricanes in Florida!   Earth changes?  Natural cycles?  End times as spoken of in the Bible?  Apocalypse?  All of the above?
One time on a trip from here to Atlanta, then to N.C, and back I took worlds of pics of chemtrails... amazing. Tehy were everywhere people were, and all along highways.  The most telling formation was right over the 'Welcome Station'  on the Turnpike in Florida .... Big X's there.... and.. two white planes, relatively low,  on both sides of the Turnpike making stripes all along it.  They wanted to get all the people coming and going through!!!  I've also taken pics of them in Alaska, in Seattle, in Canada -- that time the plane flew right over the airport in Vancouver, extremely low.. lower than ought to be legally possible, with white stuff spewing out the back.  Nope, he wasn't landing, but spraying all the people coming and going to and from international countries.  And then, have you noticed the white stuff being spewed out from the air vents into the cabins on the planes just when it's finally loaded with the passengers? There's a sort of insecticide smell associated with it.  They explain it as 'condensation'.  hmmph.  sure.  I've been traveling in planes for years..was in the airline industry as a sales rep.. this spewing stuff didn't start till just about the time the chemtrails became numerous.  I've observed the sky ever since childhood, studied earth sciences, and celestial navigation.. my ex was a pilot.. nope.  There were no, repeat, no chemtrails a few years back.  Contrails, yes, chemtrails, no.
I've even seen chemtrails follow along over cruise ships 'way out in the Carib --- but not out over the empty sea!

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Chemtrails over Cutler Ridge Florida right now, New Years Day.

We are getting nasty chemtrails this afternoon in Key Largo as well. Disgusting HAARP sludge layer moves in off Atlantic and just forms out of nowhere towards sunset. Now sky is overcast again with that fake sludge layer to hide the goings on above. Been happening every night since Monday.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story about the HAARP storm we had here.  From what I could tell the mainland never got a drop of rain out of it and seems that Key Largo go the brunt of the man made storm on Christmas Night.  The Keys weather as you know can be so different from even that of Florida City/Homestead. I've seen Homestead in the lower 40's, even upper 30's and Key Largo in the upper 60's. Just a little wind off the ocean makes all the difference. Of course I've been caught in frog strangling downpours in Homestead and skies so dark the street lights came on and drive to Key Largo and not a hint of storm and bright sunshine abounds.
I believe something big in in the making and feel we have only seen the tip of the ice berg so to speak.
Kevin (cowboy) Key Largo, Fl  Saturday 1/1/05 6:42 p.m.
In a message dated 1/1/2005 5:15:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I just took a third digital picture of the bigtime chemtrails up over Cutler Ridge, FL.  right now!
I'm not going to stay out there much, as I am already suffering from Morgellons from a chemtrail photo session several years ago and don't want any more of it!
Yep.. just like always.. on holidays when a lot of people are outside, they're up there.

****************************************************************  The true story about Terri - from the loving sources.

The euthanasists are trying to kill off Terri to make a landmark case so they can more easily kill off other disabled and elderly, starting right here in Florida! 


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