Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Object in Sky watched for 45 minutes..

Watched For Approx. 45 Minutes
Comment http://www.rense.com/general62/app.htm
From Erlenda Karlsdottir
Date: June 12, 2004
Time: Daytime
Hello Brian,
I live in Pahrump NV. The object was in the northwest sky toward California. But not in the normal direction of Vandenberg AFB. I will enclose the four pictures that I took that day. I'm sorry the quality is not great. I saw what I thought was a meteor, it was so slow that the four pictures I took were in the space of 45 minuets before I lost sight of the object.
The only reason I took pictures was because it was nothing like I have seen before. I have seen jet contrails in the sunset but this was so different and so slow. I might note I did receive an email from a gentleman in Stephens Point, WI. that saw a similar object on Jan 16. The 4 pictures are numbered in the order taken. Again I am sorry for the quality.
The photos © Madelyn Glunt 2005.
Thank you to Madelyn for sending along the report and photos.


Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart.




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