Saturday, January 01, 2005

2004 and .. Happy new year?

I am copying this from someone, but it expresses a lot of what I feel:

Begin quote  ....'

..wanting to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and say how wonderful 2004 has been, but I can't! Why is that? Well, because unless you are completely isolated or brain dead, you know that we just experienced the biggest disaster since the times of Noah's Arc! (sic) The Tsunami in South Asia has now claimed more than 125,000 lives (and the count is still rising). ONE THIRD of the dead are estimated to be children! I don't know about YOU, but I have 2 children, and the mere thought of how those parents that lost their children in South Asia must feel right now, makes me shake to the bone with fear, pity, rage... you name it!

What about YOU?

Or are you "on your way to Walmart"?

Any questions, comments, concerns, DONATIONS?

Yes, I said DONATIONS!

And this time, it's NOT "a conference call joke"...

You realize that this is a time when race, nationality, religion or social class don't matter. This is a time when humans should just care about other humans, without exception. This is a disaster of biblical proportions. If this Tsunami had happened 2,000 years ago, it would certainly be IN THE BIBLE! While watching MSNBC, a Muslim mother in Indonesia burying her children squeezes my heart as much as seeing a Hindu mother in India carying a "little 5 year old stiff body" while she cries in vain. The look in a Sri Lankan girl who has lost her entire family brings tears to your eyes as if it had happened in New York on 9/11. And this time, there is NO ONE to "blame", just sorrow and loss. It just makes you want to reach out and hug your TV, it makes you want to "jump into the TV" to help out... doesn't it? It's going to take years for them to recover and your money, whatever you can give, even a few dollars, will help them do it. That's why you will find the money to donate this time, that's why you'll drink less beer this New Year's eve, that's why YOU WILL DONATE AND HELP THEM OUT!

I'd expect nothing less from my TEAM! ....

...End quote.

Well, he goes on to request that we donate to OXfam .. and he'll give us a free sales manual for his company...(I haven't joined his company)   I say, lets just donate somewhere.. maybe through a church, synagogue, ashram, A.R.E. or other trusted organization.

love, deexxoo

****************************************************************  The true story about Terri - from the loving sources.


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Search for the little ads in all the webpages --see if you can find all of them.. there's Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
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Hard work deserves good pay, wouldn't you agree?
May 2005 be a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous year for us all!  deexxoo


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